Fragmented Soul Wikia

Fragmented Soul Timeline



  • (4th) Robert Pearson born



  • (13th) Mason Stanwood born
  • (20th) Elisa Pearson born



  • (9th) Dennis Howard born
  • (20th) Acer Nott born
  • (23rd) Paul Grove is born.



  • (19th) Sarah Howard born



  • (22nd) Mellisa Grove is born.



  • (1st) Anthony Grove born
  • (15th) Malroy Howard born



  • (20th) Jacet Stanwood born.



  • (4th) Bethany Howard born


  • (3rd) Zana Nott born
  • (30th) Kelli Grove born




  • (6th) Mary Stanwood born



  • (22nd) Mellinda born



  • (6th) Travis born




  • (15th) Peyton Howard born


  • (4th) Norell born



  • (14th)William Morris born


  • (1st) Rae Stanwood born



  • (19th) Roman Howard born



  • Andon Howard born





  • Robert Pearson claims territory and becomes the Alpha with his mate Elisa and two friends, brothers Anthony and Paul Grove.



  • (10th) Henry Pearson born.



  • (5th) Peter Bradshaw born



  • (15th) Lyla Pearson born



  • (17th) Marcus Grove is born.


  • Anthony Grove meets Mellisa in passing when he goes and fetches supplies for the pack. He is instantly enthralled with her.



  • Anthony bites Mellisa, bringing her into the pack and supporting her though the change.


  • (22nd) Tara Bradshaw born.


  • Kelli and her sister Tulip arrive in the Pearson pack asking for refuge. They are permitted to stay.



  • (19th) Lucy Grove is born
  • Malroy Howard mates to Bethany Howard.



  • Peyton Howard mates to male submissive Roman, despite great disgust from their Alpha, Malroy.



  • (10th) Artimus Nott born


  • (22nd) Lucius Malfoy Born



  • (13th) Narcissa Malfoy (nee Black) Born



  • (15th) Chloe Wilshaw Born



  • (25th) Demelza Howard born


  • Travis and Mellinda promise themselves to one another.



  • An alliance to unite the Nott and Howard Packs breaks down when the promised female submissive, Norell, from the Howard pack runs away the night before. No suitable replacement is available. The Nott pack takes great insult to this and declares the two packs to be enemies. The dominant that was to complete the unity is killed in the crossfire.


  • (15th) Dean Howard born to Sarah and Dennis.


  • (3rd) Dylan Grove is born
  • (24th) Gideon Howard Born to Gideon and Jorgie








  • (10th) Remus Lupin Born


  • (15th) Aria Nott is born


  • (15th) Malroy Howard rapes his pack Omega, a male submissive, Andon. This results in Jenson Howard being conceived.


  • (3rd) Roderic is botn to Travis and Mellinda


  • (21st) Reuben Stanwood Born


  • (2nd) Carmela Howard is born to Malroy and Bethany



  • (8th) Jenson Howard Born to Malroy and pack Omega, submissive male, Andon. Bethany is upset and angry, confronting Malroy about this and he kills her.




  • (4th) Drey Howard is born to Peyton and Roman


  • (20th) Russ born to Travis and Mellinda.



  • (20th) Logan Stanwood is born.



  • (24th) Jorgie Howard born to Gideon and Jorgie.



  • (16th) Callie Danes Born


  • (16th) Felicity Stanwood is bitten by Malroy during a night they spend together.


  • Felicity Stanwood has her first transformation.


  • Felicity looses her job at St Mungo's and goes in search of a new life, she finds the Stanwood pack, submitting to the Alpha, Jacet and proving her worth as a healer so that he would allow her to remain.



  • (10th) Remus is taken camping by his father and is bitten by Fenrir Greyback during the night.


  • (18th) Elias Howard is born to Peyton and Roman.
  • (19th) Malroy sterilises Roman Howard after he gives birth to his second son. Malroy doesn't want the shame of any more pups born from a male submissive in his pack. (He already has three including his own son, Jenson.) Mellinda tries to stop this but she is killed in the attempt. (Peyton has gone for a walk with his children at the time with Travis)


  • Travis, filled with rage at Malroy as he killed his mate, challenges him to a fight and loses. Before the fight he made sure to entrust his two boys to the care of Peyton and Roman. Fueled with the success of his win over Travis, Malroy reigns over his pack with fear.






  • (2nd) Leah Danes Born




  • (24th) Forgiveness - Callie and Damon are turned into Werewolves, Leah dies.




  • (1st) Jamie Stanwood born.
  • (21st) Ross Grove is born.



  • Malroy bites Dawson Bradshaw after his father, Peter Bradshaw , is rude to Malroy.


  • (30th) Peter and Tara Bradshaw turn up at the Pearson pack with their son, Dawson who has been bitten by Malroy. Peter and Tara are not yet werewolves. They are permitted to stay on the condition that they are bitten as well. Peter and Tara agree. They are bitten the day they arrive.
  • (30th) Micha Stanwood/Greyback Born


  • (20th)Peter and Tara Bradshaw have their first transformation. Peter survives but Tara does not.


  • Mason and Rae join the Stanwood pack with their two son's, Reid and Micha.


  • Felicity mates to William Stanwood.



  • Damon, Callie and Fenrir arrive at Atwood School forcing for the basement of the property to be renovated to accommodate werewolves, this includes a silver cage for the full moons.


  • Damon, Callie and Fenrir leave Atwood School.


  • (3rd) Lyla Pearson Born
  • Fenrir stakes claim on a forest and starts to build his pack.



  • (4th) Tessie Davenport Born




  • (3rd) Heather Grove born.
  • (17th) Sophia Stanwood Born



  • (1st) Lukas Faris Born
  • (19th) Maisy Stanwood born
  • (31st) Taylor Johnson is born.



  • (15th) Ellie Selena Greyback born


  • Robert Pearson hands over the title of Alpha of the Pearson pack to his son Henry Pearson.
  • (20th) Aiden Davenport Born


  • (30th) Darren Stanwood born
  • Taylor Johnson is left at Atwood school.



  • Tristan's father, Jacet dies leaving Tristan as the pack Alpha to the Stanwood pack.


  • Tristan's mother, Mary, dies.
  • Persephone Nott is born, she is the illegitimate daughter of Atticus and a half-blood witch.


  • (26th) Nell Green Born


  • A truce is made between the Nott and Howard pack and an agreement made that the Howard pack will send a submissive to mate to the Alpha's son of the Nott Pack.The Nott pack and Howard pack merge together, a way of keeping their blood lines pure without too much inbreeding as the Howard pack has suffered with a lot of Still Born babies in recent years. A lot of the Howard pack decide they want to live in the Nott territory, a few decide not to and maintain the alliance but be more rogue, without territory. This is the formation of the Strays.
  • Malroy, Gideon, Dean, Russ, Roderic, Jorgie, all remain as "rogue wolves" that are alligned with the Nott pack.
  • Peyton, Roman, Carmela, Jenson, Drey and Elias all join the Nott pack.


  • (30th) Jilly Davenport Born


  • (1st) Carmela Howard mates to Artimus Nott



  • (11th) Kardal Nott is born
  • (15th) Artimus is made Beta Wolf of the Nott pack.



  • Damon inherits his grandparents businesses and fortune
  • Demelza Nott mates to Drey Howard


  • Eric Bowen is bitten by a werewolf while inspecting a house for his job.
  • Fenrir's old pack is murdered including his first mate who is pregnant with twins and their three year old daughter, Ellie.


  • Eric meets Damon when he comes into Blue Moon on the off chance of a job, Damon is inspecting the bar and instantly takes a liking to him.



  • (31st) Bethany Nott II born.


  • Acer Nott is summoned to see Voldemort who requests that he and his pack join his ranks of deatheaters. Acer refuses the request.


  • (7th) Robin Page Born
  • Impurity - Lucius ends his affair with Chloe but finds out she is pregnant.


  • (18th) Quinn Rogers Born



  • (19th) Robin is diagnosed with a rare form of childhood cancer.



  • (25th) Jorgie mates to Gideon.


  • Artimus challenges his father Acer for the position of Alpha within the Nott pack. Artimus wins the fight but when his father refuses to relent, he is forced to kill his father, Acer.
  • Peyton Howard is appointed Beta of the Nott Pack.
  • After losing her mate to her eldest son, Zana orders aconite, she ingests it killing herself.


  • (5th) The parents of Robin page approach Fenrir and ask him to bite their child. A deal is made and Robin is bitten and transformed into a werewolf.
  • (16th) Danyon Nott is born
  • (18th) Jaylon Morris Born


  • Hearing of Acer's death, Voldemort summons Artimus to him and once again requests that the Nott Pack join his ranks of deatheaters. Artimus refuses.



  • (5th) Draco Malfoy Born
  • (30th) Seamus Finnegan/Greyback Born


  • (31st) Harry Potter/Prince/Greyback Born


  • (23rd) Lydia Nott is born



  • William Morris is killed defending his mate Felicity and daughter Sophia from a deatheater attack. Both Felicity and Sophia survive.


  • (21st) Rosie Stoneham Born
  • (30th) Gideon Howard II born
  • (31st) Voldemort attempts to kill Harry Potter, murdering Lily and James in the process. Severus makes the split second decision to take Harry from Godric’s Hollow and raise him as his own. He makes the decision to travel to Malfoy Manor in the hope that Narcissa will be able to help him (Chapter One)


  • (1st) In the early hours of the morning Harry is bitten by Fenrir Greyback and turned into a Werewolf. (Chapter Two)
  • (1st) After fleeing Malfoy Manor, Fenrir is surrounded by celebrating families and some deatheater factions searching for answers. In the confusion he finds a child that has been forgotten about. He bites her. (Lydia Nott)


  • (10th) Romy Chester/Howard/Danes born
  • After her first transformation is confirmed, Lydia Nott is sent away from her home and is given to the Nott pack to raise.
  • Aria Nott mates to Elias Howard.



  • (1st) Astoria Greengrass born
  • (4th) Dominic challenges Tristan as Alpha of the Stanwood pack and is killed along with his mate Rebecca.


  • Two brothers, (Darren and Leo) come into the Stanwood pack. Their previous pack has been slaughtered by Werewolf Hunters. They are the only survivors. They are permitted to stay.


  • (12th) Laverna Nott is born


  • (12th) Bitten - Clayton is bitten by Fenrir
  • Reuben takes over as Beta wolf after current Beta (Dominic) challenges Tristan for position of Alpha. Jared is not present for the challenge and quickly submits to both Reuben and Tristan when he returns so he is not killed or exiled, denying all knowledge of his fathers plans at trying to take over the pack.


  • (20th) Glen Nott is born. Father a werewolf, otherwise unknown parentage. His mother is desperate to keep him


  • Eric Bowen is killed by Werewolf Hunters



  • Amy Stanwood is bitten by a Malroy Howard as he attempts to rape her.
  • Gideon, having had enough of his father being Alpha, challenges Malroy for the title of Alpha and kills his father, becoming the Alpha of the Howard pack.


  • (16th) Greta Howard is born
  • Amy Stanwood has her first transformation.
  • Amy is sent to the Stanwood pack. Her father knows Joel (Tommy's father) through the Ministry of Magic.


  • Taylor Johnson runs away from Atwood School.



  • - Imperial Ceylon - Lukas is abandoned by his father.
  • Artimus Nott makes the decision that he wants to try and assimilate into the wizarding world again and starts by signing up some of the young pack members to the list for Durmstrang.


  • - Jam Tarts - Harry and Severus make jam tarts.


  • - Mummy - Harry asks Severus about his mother.
  • (18th) Keyla Nott is born



  • Fenrir stakes his claim on his new territory in Oakhill wood.


  • Sick of pack politics, Reuben hands over the title of Beta wolf to Jared without any challenge being issued. It is Jared's 19th Birthday.


  • - Baloo Bear - Harry is given Baloo bear by Severus
  • (24th) Niko Walker/Greyback Born


  • (3rd) Rosie is kidnapped from her family by three male werewolves that are mated together but cannot have children. They bite her that same night.
  • (13th) Greyson Nott is born.


  • (14th) Jorgie, having witnessed Gideon raping the pack omega (Jenson's "mother"), makes the decision that she has to leave.



  • Andon's body finally gives up and he dies.


  • - Challenge - Reid challenges Tristan for dominance in the pack. Reid is killed long with his parents Rae and Mason. and Micha is exiled.


  • Tristan claims Tommy as his mate but calls him Micha during sex.


  • (5th) Aspen is bitten by Fenrir Greyback while on a family camping trip.
  • (8th) Aspen is dumped at Atwood School, his family too scared of him to let him stay with them.


  • - Forgotten Romance - Micha has a fling with a Werewolf Hunter, Oscar, but has his memory removed.
  • Maisy accepts Reuben as her mate after Reuben proves himself worthy of her after a fight with her father, Gordon.
  • Tommy accepts Tristan as his mate but tells his mother that he doesn't want to have children.
  • (23rd) In a battle for territory, the three male werewolves that kidnapped Rosie are killed.
  • (24th) Rosie is dumped at Atwood School where she meets Aspen.


  • - The Colour Green - How Harry came to love the colour green.
  • Tristan discovers that despite being born to two werewolves Tommy was bitten, having not been born a werewolf and therefore doesn't have all the instincts he should have. Tristan states that if Tommy has not given him a child within five years then Joel and Maggie will be killed for their deception and Tommy will be exiled from the Stanwood Pack.



  • (28th) Tommy discovers that he is three weeks pregnant.


  • Leo Stanwood mates to Amy Stanwood who accepts him at once.
  • (10th) Cathy Stanwood is born.
  • Jared decides to claim Sophia to spite Darren and to get revenge on Leo for claiming Amy before he could.


  • Logan and Jamie enter the Stanwood pack and beg for sanctuary along with their one month old daughter. They were lone wolves along with their submissive Catherine. However when their submissive died in childbirth they decided they needed a pack to help them raise her. They are allowed to remain.
  • (30th) Tommy finally admits to Tristan that he is pregnant (12 weeks)


  • Jared attacks and kills two muggles who are camping near by. Ripping out the throat of the male, raping the female repeatedly before killing her too. He is seen by werewolf hunters. They follow Jared and discover the location of the Stanwood Pack.
  • (13th) The Stanwood pack are attacked by four werewolf hunters. The pack are able to kill them but Tommy is injured, loosing the baby at 14 weeks. Erica and Maggie are also killed.
  • Logan and Jamie prove themselves as valuable pack members to Tristan and the Stanwood pack.
  • Tristan discovers some of the bodies of Jared's victims and realises why they were attacked. Jared is punished.
  • Jared takes Sophia again and rapes her.
  • Darren asks Felicity if he can mate to Sophia, she agrees happily.


  • (1st) Sophia accepts Darren as her mate. They do not mate as they want to wait until Sophia is ready and Darren is older.
  • Tristan declares that he has found a new territory. The entire pack gathers what they have and they leave their territory.


  • Having grown distant with one another, Tristan and Tommy talk and agree to start trying for a baby again.
  • (31st) The First Snitch - Severus gives Harry his first snitch for his seventh birthday


  • The Stanwood pack have settled into their new territory and start to hunt for the winter.



  • (2nd) Carson Nott is born



  • Amy discovers that she is pregnant with her and Leo's first child.
  • Rosie is groomed and sexually assaulted by another of the boys at Atwood school. She doesn't say anything, making sure that she washes off his scent so Aspen doesn't figure it out. This continues for a number of years.


  • (5th) Taylor happens upon the Pearson pack after running away from Atwood school. He is permitted to stay temporarily.
  • (15th) Ross makes his intentions to Taylor and the two of them mate. Taylor is then permitted to remain in the Pearson pack.



  • Werewolf Hunters happen upon the Pearson Pack but decide that they want to experiment with a curse. Their plan is to use the curse to destroy all werewolves. The curse comes from old, ancient magic that is badly translated. The werewolf hunters believe that the curse, when adjusted correctly will destroy all werewolves in the United Kingdom.
  • (26th) Ester “Star” Stanwood Born to Amy and Leo


  • Micha arrives in the Pearson Pack.
  • The Werewolf Hunters cast the curse over the Pearson Pack, wanting to test if the curse works. Unknown to them it does, however they believe that it does not and they believe that they must spill the blood of a werewolf to make it work. They keep monitoring the Pearson Pack while they work on the curse to ensure that it can encompass the entire country.
  • - The Alpha’s Daughter - Micha falls in love with an Alpha’s daughter but decides to leave before he is killed.


  • Micha leaves the Pearson Pack out of fear of being killed.
  • Lyla Pearson, after telling her father that she is pregnant, also leaves the Pearson Pack, wanting to go after Micha. However she loses the trail.


  • (1st) Lynne Nott is born. Unknown parentage, her mother is a werewolf. Lynne is abandoned at Atwood school shortly after she is born.
  • (5th) Lynne Nott is taken in by the Nott pack and given to Peyton and Roman to raise.


  • - Lyla - After running away from her pack, Lyla finds the Stanwood Pack.
  • Jorgie Howard, sick of the violence and atrocities her mate, Gideon, is doing, she takes her two children and leaves Gideon and the Howard Pack.



  • (16th) Kalila “Lily” Pearson Born


  • - First Flight - Harry show’s off to Clayton his newly acquired animagus ability.
  • (12th) Dawn and Corri Bradshaw born.
  • Jorgie, Gideon and Greta arrive in the Nott pack. They are allowed to stay due to the alliance between the two packs, however it doens't sit well with Artimus as she has left her mate and harboring her could be seen as a breach in the alliance they have.
  • Rosie finally breaks down to Aspen and tells him what's been happening to her.


  • Aspen lures the boy that has been hurting Rosie away from Atwood school, kills him and carefully disposes of the body. To the teachers, the boy has disappeared, no body is ever found and he is suspected of running away.


  • (16th) Kaitlyn Grove born.
  • Neville Longbottom dies at the hands of Voldemort/Professor Quirrell. (Chapter Two)
  • Dumbledore set's about trying to either find proof that Harry Potter is dead or track him down.


  • Reuben and mate Maisy discover that they are pregnant.
  • Tommy tells Tristan that he is also pregnant.
  • Danyon Nott promises himself to Laverna. She accepts him.
  • Jorgie decides that it's time to move on from the Nott pack so that they can find somewhere to settle before the winter hits. Jorgie, Gideon and Greta leave in the middle of the night so not to cause any fuss.


  • Danyon Nott commences his first year at Durmstrang.


  • - Modifications - Harry and Clay cause mischief and pretend to get tattoos.



  • (20th) Joel “Rix” Stanwood born to Reuben and Maisy Stanwood


  • - The Big Bang - Harry and Clay destroy half of Harry’s bedroom.
  • (2nd) Timmy Stanwood Born to Tristan and Tommy Stanwood.
  • Ginny Weasley is killed in the Chamber of Secrets and Voldemort is resurrected in the form of handsome Tom Riddle at sixteen years old. (Chapter Three)
  • Gideon visits Voldemort and aligns himself with him. Voldemort already has a werewolf working for him (Jack) he is given to Gideon as part of his pack.


  • - The Last Resort - Micha ends up at Atwood School on his travels, he only remains for a month before the silver is too much for him and he leaves.
  • Glen Nott is dumped at Atwood school when his mother can no longer cope with him.


  • Micha leaves Atwood school
  • Jorgie, Gideon and Greta arrive in the Pearson Pack. They are allowed to stay but only temporarily.


  • Artimus finds Glen at Atwood school and brings him into the Nott pack.


  • Jorgie, Gideon and Greta leave the Pearson Pack. They will only ever be allowed to settle somewhere permanently when one of her children finds a mate. There is no one suitable in the Pearson Pack.



  • The Ministry Fall's into the hands of Voldemort.
  • Niko's parents Ann and Eddie are murdered by deatheaters while Niko is with his muggle grandmother.
  • There is a mass breakout of all prisoners at Azkaban, including Sirius Black.
  • - Snatched - The night that Romy is kidnapped, raped and bitten by what is left of the Howard pack. She is kept alive as an Omega wolf for the men to do as they want with.
  • Lyla mates to Jared after months of him courting and obsessing over her.
  • Jorgie, Gideon II and Greta arrive in the Stanwood Pack, hoping to find somewhere that they can settle permanently.


  • Sirius Black kills Peter Petigrew
  • - Proud but Prejudice - Lukas falls out with his mother.
  • Gideon II talks to Jamie and Logan about how he feels about Cathy. Logan and Jamie agree that they can be together but Gideon II must spend the next ten years proving that he is worthy. Gideon II accepts this challenge.



  • Jenson leaves the Nott pack to go in search of his brother, having heard rumor that he has aligned with Voldemort and wanted to discourage this. He finds Romy close to death and none of his brothers pack doing anything about it. He feels sick. He steals her away, realising that his brother is too much like their father and therefore is beyond saving.
  • Jenson and Romy arrive in the Greyback terriory
  • Sirius aligns himself with Dumbledore again. He is already half way to being mad at this point. He is reunited with Remus Lupin, old school friend and lover. Dumbledore tasks the two of them to find Harry.



  • Voldemort takes control of Durmstrang Institute of Magic and begins to train a new generation of Deatheaters.


  • Micha joins the Greyback pack after being attacked by Deatheaters wanting to recruit him to join Voldemort's ranks.


  • Leo and Amy Stanwood discover they are pregnant with their second child.



  • (21st) Elliot Grove is born.


  • Henry Pearson hands over the title of Alpha to Ross Grove. Henry has no living male children to carry on his line.


  • Persephone's mother writes to Tristan, asking if her daughter can spend some time in his pack, to learn how packs work. He agrees, fascinated by the idea of a dominant female. He agrees to a month.


  • (30th) - Harry and Clay sneak out to celebrate Harry's birthday. They are seen by Sirius and Remus. (Chapter Four)
  • Persephone arrives at the Stanwood pack, looking to spend a month there to get to know what it is like living with a pack.


  • Draco is asked to kill Dumbledore by Voldemort.
  • Sirius and Remus discover where Harry is living and that it was Severus who took him.
  • (17th) Rigby “Rig” Stanwood Born to Amy and Leo Stanwood.
  • (29th) Niko and his muggle grandmother are attacked in their home after Niko accidentally uses magic. Niko is taken to Malfoy Manor to be bitten.


  • (1st) Harry and Severus are attacked in their home by the Order of the Phoenix. Harry flee's to his best friends house (Clayton).
  • Travelling home from the Stanwood pack, Persephone is accosted by deatheaters and taken to Malfoy Manor to be held hostage to help turn other werewolves to be added to Gideon's pack.
  • (2nd) Severus is interrogated in Harry's bedroom by Dumbledore. Many sentimental items are destroyed including a treasured stuffed bear, Baloo.(Chapter Five)
  • Damon finds Harry on his sofa and he is told what happened. Harry discovers that a lot of what he thought he knew isn't what it seemed. That his best friend is a werewolf and he seems to have been living his life oblivious to the obvious.
  • Harry is lead to believe that Severus is dead.
  • Harry and Clayton are taken to Oakhill Wood and their territory for the first time by Damon.
  • Umbridge arrives at Hogwarts with the Carrow siblings.
  • Severus is moved to Grimmauld Place and left with Sirius who despite agreeing to keep him alive, starts to torture him.
  • (4th) Harry starts to distance himself from the pack including Damon and Clay. (Chapter Six )
  • (6th) Fenrir goes in search of Lukas. After much negotiation, Lukas agrees to join the pack.
  • (14th) Harry finally talks to Damon as he wants to retrieve some of his personal items. Damon says that it is up to Fenrir to decide if he can go.
  • Harry and Lukas bond over their mutual love of books and learning.
  • Fenrir and Damon figure out that Harry is the baby that was supposedly murdered with his parents in an attack by Voldemort.
  • Draco starts work on the vanishing cabinet.
  • (15th) Harry builds up the courage to talk to Fenrir for the first time, trying to suppress how Fenrir makes him feel. He asks if he can go home and collect some of his things.
  • (18th) Harry and Fenrir return to Ingleton and go back to the Prince house to collect some of Harry's belongings. They find Harry destroyed bedroom, his childhood memories broken and unrecognizable.
  • In the bedroom is a letter for Harry from Hogwarts, which Harry puts in his pocket.
  • Fenrir discovers the silver cage and is enraged by it. Harry and Fenrir argue because of this, an argument witnessed by Remus hidden under the invisibility cloak.
  • (20th) Callie checks over Harry to see what effects the silver has had on him. She can not run extensive checks but concludes that his reactions are slower but thinks that it will improve with time now that he is away from the silver. (Chapter Seven)
  • (25th) Harry's first full moon with the pack. Harry discovers that he might have feelings for Fenrir but tries to hide them, thinking that Fenrir will be disgusted by it.
  • Harry is docile and sleeps through the full moon, which concerns Fenrir and makes him think that there is more than silver that is causing Harry's symptoms.
  • (26th) Harry wakes up cuddled up to Fen which makes him feel uncomfortable. Fenrir asks what else Harry was doing to prevent his changes. Harry lies about taking the Wolfsbane potion.
  • Harry opens the letter from Hogwarts that he found in Ingleton and decides that to get the answers he needs about Severus, he needs to attend.


  • (1st) Brax Malfoy Born
  • (4th) Harry asks Fenrir about the possibility of him attending Hogwarts. Fenrir agrees to consider it. (Chapter Eight)
  • Sirius and Remus fight over where Sirius vanishes to, Remus does not know about Severus at this point. Remus is having nightmares and won't tell Sirius what about. Severus overhears this argument.
  • (8th) Fenrir reaches a decision about Hogwarts. He agrees that Harry can go but sets out his conditions. Harry hugs Fenrir in gratitude and the two of them share a moment before Harry runs off.
  • (12th) Bellatrix taunts Narcissa about Draco not being strong enough to do Voldemort's bidding.
  • (13th) Dumbledore receives a letter announcing that Harry along with Clay and Romy will be attending Hogwarts.
  • (18th) Harry burns himself while cooking for the pack but doesn't feel the pain. The pack now realise that the damage done to Harry while preventing his changes include him not being able to feel pain. Fenrir and Harry argue about this, which leads to Fenrir and Damon fighting. Harry decides he doesn't want to be with the pack.
  • (19th) Harry starts memorizing the sounds of his pack sleeping in preparation of running away.
  • (21st) Draco receives a letter from his mother about the birth of his little brother Brax.
  • (22nd) Harry tries to run away from the pack. Clayton stops him and the two of them reconcile their friendship after a short fight and sorting out their issues. Harry decides to remain with the pack, at least for the moment. (Chapter Nine)
  • Dumbledore acquires the resurrection stone and destroys the ring horcrux. The Gryffindor sword is imbued with fiendfyre.
  • (23rd) Full Moon. Harry and Fenrir share another moment while they undress before the transformation. Due to taking the incorrect amount of Wolfsbane potion, Harry's transformation is more painful than it should be and he is unable to participate in the hunt along with the rest of the pack.
  • (24th) Fenrir is made aware that there are other werewolves other than their pack around the territory.
  • Tom tortures Bellatrix sexually. It is implied that this has happened many times before and that they both enjoy these encounters.
  • (29th) Harry and Clay plan to get Harry some potion ingredients so that he can continue to make his Wolfsbane potion.
  • (30th) Draco sneaks out of the castle to go to Hogsmeade. (Chapter Ten)
  • Clayton provides a distraction so that Harry can slip away and go to Hogsmeade to get his potion ingredients.
  • Harry and Draco meet for the first time in Hogsmeade. They quickly realise who each other are and Draco helps Harry to get the ingredients that he needs.
  • Clayton is questioned over where Harry has gone by Fenrir and Damon. Before Clayton can be hurt Harry reappears. Harry argues with Fenrir again. Clayton tells Harry what happened to Fenrir's last pack.
  • Remus and Sirius have another fight over the secrets between them that are destroying their relationship. Sirius goes to Severus and continues to torture him.
  • (31st) Harry has his usual nightmare about the horcruxes on Halloween, the anniversary of James and Lily's death. Fenrir comforts Harry after the nightmare and the two of them share another moment. Fenrir and Damon discuss the possibility of Harry being the Potter boy again.
  • Feigning sleep, Harry overhears that he is supposed to be Fenrir's mate. Fenrir decides that Harry isn't ready to know this just yet as he is too young. Fenrir discusses other things that he is keeping from Harry with Damon, unaware that Harry is pretending to be asleep and listening. Harry finds out that Fenrir was the one to bite him.
  • Harry is struggling to come to terms with what he overheard Fenrir and Damon discussing. Harry decides to leave the pack to gain some perspective on what he now knows. (Chapter Eleven)
  • Bellatrix frustrated that she isn't pregnant with Tom Riddle's child.


  • (1st) Very early hours of the morning. Harry is attacked by a group of stray werewolves. Harry regrets his decision to leave almost instantly when he has left the wards and realises he's in danger. Fenrir, Jenson and Micha come to his aid.
  • It is revealed that the stray wolves are the pack that Jenson left, the Alpha being Jenson's older brother. The stray wolves were also the ones to attack and bite Romy.
  • Roderic dies. Fenrir seriously injured. Gideon loses his right hand. All other injuries minor.
  • Harry and Clayton have a fight about why Harry left. Micha goes into shock. Fenrir is returned to the clearing of the territory seriously injured and close to death.
  • Callie battles to keep Fenrir alive while Damon helps to tend to Jenson and Micha. (Chapter Twelve)
  • Harry and Clay fight about Harry running away, physically coming to blows before Clay inadvertently reveals what has happened to the Alpha when Harry uses magic to get inside Clay's head.
  • Lukas questions Harry about the potion ingredients he found when getting Harry clean clothing. Lukas demands that as soon as Fenrir is better Harry will tell him about the potion. Harry reluctantly agrees to do so.
  • Harry curls up next to Fenrir and goes to sleep.
  • Voldemort orders Gideon to bring Harry and Fenrir to him. Gideon receives his silver hand. Axlar joins the stray pack. (Chapter Thirteen)
  • Harry refuses to leave Fenrir's side, even when Callie needs to check his wounds and see how well he's healing.
  • Jenson reveals to the rest of the pack that Gideon is his older brother.
  • Draco arranges with Umbridge to go home for the weekend.
  • Axlar takes Dean's place as Beta wolf in the stray pack. Harlan Cobain joins the strays.
  • (4th) Lukas finally manages to convince Harry to eat something after three days of him not eating anything. The two of them talk through what happened the night that Harry ran away.
  • Harlan is placed into the Greyback pack as a spy by the strays.
  • Damon, as the Beta wolf, ties Harlan to a tree, not knowing what to do with him while Fenrir is unconscious. (Chapter Fourteen)
  • (5th) Harry places a kiss to the corner of Fenrir's mouth, signalling that he has accepted Fenrir as his mate.
  • Draco tells his mother, on his impromptu weekend at home, that he has met Harry. They discuss the possibility of being free from Voldemort and that Harry is their only hope of achieving this.
  • Dumbledore takes possession of the Invisibility cloak making him the Master of Death as he now possess' all three of the deathly hallows.
  • (6th) Fenrir wakes up after five days of being unconscious.
  • Fenrir questions Harlan about how he came to be there. Still shaken about the violence and strength of the Alpha wolf, Harry needs to separate himself from the displays of dominance so he and Clay take a walk.
  • Clay admits to Harry that he thinks he's in love with Romy.
  • Fenrir and Harry talk before sharing their first kiss.
  • Micha, desperate for love and affection, defends Harlan to Jenson when Jenson tries to gently tell Micha that Harlan might not be with the pack long because no one trusts him.
  • Micha and Harlan share their first kiss. Damon storms off, unable to watch.
  • (10th) Sirius taunts Severus with Daily Prophet articles about how many people Voldemort has murdered. (Chapter Fifteen)
  • Harry tell's Fenrir about the potion he had been taking. Fenrir ends up accidentally hurting Harry slightly and he shuts himself down to his mate.
  • Harlan gets a message to Gideon.
  • Harry and Fenrir talk in their own way, butting heads until they figure each other out and come to a compromise.
  • (11th) Harlan manipulates Micha into sleeping with him for the first time. He is rough and deliberately hurts Micha.
  • The Davenport pack are attacked and nearly all of them killed when they refuse to join the ranks of Voldemort. Tessie, Jilly and Aiden are the only ones left alive. They are taken to meet Voldemort before Tessie and Aiden are moved to the the Stray pack that Voldemort controls. Jilly is taken to Malfoy Manor where she is imprisoned to keep Tessie and Aiden under control.
  • (12th) Harry spots the bite mark that Harlan left on Micha's neck and tells Damon. Damon and Micha argue, Micha accusing Damon of being jealous. Fenrir and Damon confront Harlan, threatening him and Damon ends up punching him before storming off.
  • Harry goes after Damon to talk to him. Harry has figured out that Damon likes Micha and watching him with Harlan is painful.
  • (13th) Tessie Davenport ends up with the Strays along side her cousin Aiden.
  • Fenrir and Harry have another confrontation with Harlan as Micha becomes more withdrawn from the rest of the pack.
  • (15th) Fenrir decides that it is time the pups learnt to fight and announces this to the pack. Harry argues the point that he needs to learn as well and Fenrir concedes and allows Harry to learn to fight with the others after a long heated debate a little bit of frotting. (Chapter Sixteen)
  • (20th) Harry goes to talk to Micha and realises just how broken Micha has become.
  • Full Moon. Harry and Fenrir share an intimate moment while undressing each other, preparing for the change.
  • Micha, even in wolf form, is almost completely broken compared to who he used to be.
  • A fight ensues between Fenrir, Jenson, Damon, Harry and Micha. Micha is separated from Harlan in the fray much to the pleasure of the other pack members.
  • (21st) Harry and Fenrir talk about the previous night. Harry pushes the boundries a little with Fenrir, teasing him. Fenrir take's their relationship a little further giving himself and Harry a hand-job at the same time with just one hand. Harlan walks in on them. It makes Fenrir think about how quickly and efficiently he can dispose of Harlan.
  • (28th) Remus accidentally comes across the locket horcrux at the Black family residence without realising what it is. (Chapter Seventeen)


  • (2nd) Lukas, with the help of Harry and Clay, put laxatives in Harlan's cup of tea.
  • (10th) Romy's 14th birthday. Harry and Clay rise early and decorate the clearing for her.
  • Voldemort orders his deatheaters to take control of Diagon alley
  • Axlar attacks Tessie. Tessie gets away and makes a run for it but not before Axlar throws a blade at her which buries itself in her shoulder.
  • (11th) Damon, Callie, Micha, Harry, Clayton and Romy head to Diagon Alley to buy their school supplies for the coming January. (Chapter Eighteen)
  • Harry bumps into Rodolphus who is confused by who it is but goes and tells the other deatheaters that have gathered in Diagon alley.
  • Harry and Clay do a disappearing act so they can go into muggle London and run a few of their own errands.
  • Harry and Clay return to the others and Damon demands that they return home immediately. They are stopped before they can and confronted by several deatheaters including Bellatrix and Lucius.
  • Aiden argues with the strays about Tessie. He is told to forget her as she'll be dead by now.
  • Tessie arrives in the Greyback pack, injured and fighting for her life.
  • Harry, Clayton, Micha, Romy and Damon return to the pack. Due to the disappearing act that Harry and Clayton pulled, Harry and Fenrir argue resulting in Harry throwing the gift he had bought Fenrir on the ground in front of him. In the chaos Harlan tries to kill Tessie. Harry transforms into a falcon and takes flight as everyone becomes distracted by what Harlan is doing and perches himself up, out of reach, in a very tall tree.
  • Tessie manages to tell the pack that Harlan is a spy for the strays. Fenrir tortures him and Damon delivers the killing blow. Harlan's body is dumped in the strays territory but not before Fenrir pisses all over it, sending a message to the strays.
  • Fenrir and Damon talk to Tessie to get the information that she has about the Strays.
  • Voldemort is told about Harry Potter being sighted in Diagon Alley and he manages to connect the dots and figure out that the Harry living with Fenrir is Harry Potter, despite going by the name Prince.
  • (12th) Daily Prophet Article released announcing the return of Harry Potter to the Wizarding World and more importantly his attendance at Hogwarts. (Chapter Twenty)
  • Harry and Fenrir try and figure out their differences after their catastrophic fight the night before.
  • Micha confides in Harry about what Harlan did to him.
  • (14th) Lukas finds the Daily Prophet article. (Chapter Twenty-One)
  • Fenrir is shown the Daily Prophet Article, which leads to Damon and Fenrir arguing about what to tell Harry.
  • Fenrir shares with Harry how he came to bite him. He also shares with Harry what he knows about how Severus wasn't Harry's real father, showing him the Daily Prophet article. Fenrir also admits to Harry that he used to work for the Dark Lord and why.
  • Harry is shown the article in the Daily Prophet and as a result, ends up back in his tree after an argument with Damon. Micha tries to climb up to Harry and the two of them end up falling, however not before Harry shares how Damon feels about Micha with Micha.
  • After Harry receives concussion from falling out of the tree, Fenrir takes him into the forest so that he can keep him awake and look after him. (Chapter Twenty-Two)
  • (15th) Harry gives Fenrir a blow-job.
  • Fenrir, Jenson and Damon fight, the aftermath pf the issues from the previous day to do with the article. In the process of moving the other pack members away from the fight, Harry manages to have boiling liquid tipped over his arm leaving blisters.
  • Jenson becomes the Beta wolf of the pack.
  • (17th) The Daily Prophet publishes an interview with Dumbledore regarding Harry being the boy-who-lived. (Chapter Twenty-Three)
  • Dumbledore talks to Draco and asks him to befriend Harry Potter. He threatens him so that the teenager will do as he is told. Dumbledore inadvertently reveals to Draco that Severus is alive.
  • (18th) On the full moon, Micha is reluctant to strip in front of the others. It leads him to transforming in his clothing and becoming painfully tangled in them. Damon carefully free's Micha from the tangle gently and affectionately.
  • (19th) Gideon receives two new werewolves for his pack from Voldemort.
  • The Hogwarts students go home for the holidays.
  • (20th)Remus ends his relationship with Sirius.
  • (21st) Micha talks to Damon. Confiding in him how much it hurt when he was with Harlan. (Chapter Twenty-Four)
  • Harry and Fenrir are interrupted by Tessie when they are about to have their first time together by a parcel arriving for the Alpha marked urgent.
  • Damon tells Tessie that she belongs with them now and she can stop trying to prove herself all the time.
  • (22nd) With Fenrir in a foul mood, Jenson tries to find out why and discovers Baloo bear hidden in the forest. When talking over the significance with Damon and Clay they realise what it means to Fenrir and why he is in such a foul mood.
  • (25th) Christmas with the pack. Fenrir and Harry finally share their first time after Fenrir gifts Baloo bear back to Harry. Clay inadvertantly reveals that he has had sex with a muggle girl when he was fourteen.
  • Harry discovers that despite being male, he can have babies, something that comes as a slight shock to him. It causes Harry and Fenrir to have a slight falling out again but make up later in the day.
  • Draco is summoned to see Voldemort. Voldemort wants Draco to get to know Harry and sway him to their cause. (Chapter Twenty-Five)
  • Draco tells his mother that he suspects that Severus is still alive after what Dumbledore has said.
  • Narcissa decides to stay at Malfoy Manor and act as a spy, hoping that she might be able to pass information to Draco and Harry which might help them defeat Voldemort in the end.
  • (26th) Harry gives Fenrir a blow job in the clearing, thinking that everyone is still asleep, however they aren't and Harry is teased by his friends and pack mates, especially Clay.
  • Harry, Clay, Lukas and Micha discuss the pups going to Hogwarts the following week.
  • Harry and Fen discuss mating marks. Harry agrees to think about it, not understanding the implications of what Fenrir has asked of him.
  • Callie and Jenson leave the territory to get pregnancy prevention potions for Harry.
  • During a walk with Tessie and Romy, Harry asks Tessie about mating marks and what they mean. They wander a little too far and are confronted by a three of the strays. (Jack, Brade and Keres) Harry sends a patronus to the others to summon help before he is hit in the head.
  • Romy, Harry and Tessie hold their own against the three large stray dominant wolves. Harry and Romy kill one each after a slight struggle just as the others show up to help them, though it is more luck and their desire to survive than anything else. (Chapter Twenty-Six)
  • When Jenson returns he is furious that Clayton is comforting Romy and tries to attack him. Fenrir steps in to prevent this but Harry is angry that Jenson has jumped to conclusions and squares up to the Beta wolf, kicking him in the shin before going off to check on Clay.
  • Harry takes the potions that Callie has given to him. She also gives him the ingredients and instructions on how to make more contraception potion.
  • Callie playfully tells Harry to try not to be too open with their sexual activities when they think the others are sleeping because it's likely that they're not.
  • Fenrir confides in Harry that he had a mate before and that when she was killed she was pregnant. (He decides not to tell Harry about Ellie as it is still too painful for him.)
  • Harry asks Fenrir to give him the mating mark on the condition that Harry can also mark Fenrir. Fenrir agrees but says not now, he wants to wait but agrees it'll be done before they go to Hogwarts.
  • (27th) Fenrir and Jenson burn the bodies of the strays killed by Harry and Romy without letting them help. (Chapter Twenty-Seven)
  • (31st) Lukas goes on a beer run for their celebrations the coming evening. He is taken back by the muggle girl behind the counter. This is the moment Lukas officially meets Nell. She gives him her number and they agree to go out for a drink.
  • The pups get a little drunk as the pack celebrate the new Year. Micha asks Damon to cuddle and even goes to hold his hand under the hides they are wrapped in. Damon calls Micha "Trouble" for the first time after they share a brief kiss as they welcome in the New Year.
  • Lucius confronts his wife, Draco steps in to help and Lucius ends up hitting him.



  • (2nd) Fenrir asks Harry not to go to Hogwarts, to stay in the clearing with him. They have sex and Fenrir puts the mating Mark on Harry and vice versa. Harry tells Fenrir that he loves him for the first time.
  • Micha gives Damon the nickname of "marshmallow". The two of the share their first proper kiss.
  • (3rd) After a painful and emotional goodbye, the pups leave for Hogwarts. (Chapter Twenty-Eight)
  • Harry, Romy and Clayton meet Draco and Daphne on the Hogwarts express. Ron, Dean and Seamus also make an appearance during the journey. There is a confrontation between the two groups. Hermione intervenes but there is still obviously tension. Hermione takes a liking to Clayton.
  • Draco, Daphne, Harry, Clay and Romy start to get to know each other.
  • Micha tries to comfort Fenrir in the wake of Harry leaving for Hogwarts, but Fenrir isn't keen and deposits Micha back with Damon before going back to chopping wood.
  • Damon and Micha get a lot more cuddly, but Micha isn't overly happy that they are hiding their blossoming relationship from Clay.
  • Harry, Romy and Clayton are sorted into their houses. (Chapter Twenty-Nine)
  • Harry recognises Remus from the night he and Clay went out to celebrate his birthday.
  • Harry and Clay let off fireworks in the Great Hall to make sure they arrive with a bang. They have tampered with them so that once they explode the whole room stinks.
  • Voldemort is given an update on harry by the Carrow siblings.
  • Harry, Clay and Romy go wandering the school looking for each other, finding it hard to sleep indoors and without each other. They are caught by Dumbledore and sent back to bed.
  • (5th) Cracks - Lyla and Jared's relationship isn't going well.
  • Jenson and Callie recieve a letter informing them that Romy's biological parents have been in contact and want to meet her. (Chapter Thirty)
  • Blaise shows off in the shower and Harry belittles him.
  • Draco puts the idea in Harry's head to create a forest classroom to sleep in.
  • Romy is told that her biological parents have been in contact and want to see her.
  • Romy divulges what it was like before she was kidnapped to Callie, Jenson, Harry and Clayton. Harry suspects there is more and when he asks her she glares at him, half way confirming it.
  • Micha suggests to Fenrir that he build something for Harry while he's away at Hogwarts.
  • Damon and Micha offically become mates.
  • Harry, Romy and Clayton find the classroom that they want to turn into an inside forest. They also meet Peeves for the first time.
  • (6th) Harry and Clay find Romy crying in a bathroom. (Chapter Thirty-One) Romy confides in Harry what her brother did to her when she was at home and that he parents didn't believe her when she told them. She tells him how her family treated her after she got her letter. Romy asks Harry not to tell Clay.
  • Romy admits that she likes Clay a little but she doesn't want to open that can of worms just yet.
  • Lukas having failed to find a phone that will work for him, goes to see Nell again. The two of them have tea in the off license where she works and they share their first kiss.
  • Harry and Clayton realise that Remus smells familliar to them.
  • Harry, Clay and Romy transfigure a pool table in the Slytherin common room.
  • Luna tells Romy that she has overheard Hermione say that she likes Clay.
  • (7th) Harry, Romy and Clay make a failed attempt at putting up wards around what will become their forest classroom. (Chapter Thirty-Two)
  • Clay gets grumpy over Harry ignoring him.
  • Romy meets her biological parents Jennifer and Adam and her brother, Jake. There is a lot of tensions and disagreements.
  • Clay tells Romy that he loves her but Romy believes she is too damaged and doesn't believe him.
  • Romy, getting frustrated over the fact that Clay won't tell her why he's unhappy with Harry, storms off in frustration.
  • Harry is offered the position of seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team.
  • Romy and Harry spend the night together in the Slytherin boys dorm.
  • Clayton fights with the Gryffindor boys again. Fred, George and Angelina step in to stop the fight and introduce themselves. They become friends, bonding over the start of term prank that harry and Clay pulled.
  • (8th) Micha has a slight melt down after the abuse he suffered and Damon comforts him. (Chapter Thirty-Three)
  • Fenrir agrees that if the oppertunity arises then they will rescue Jilly from wherever she is being held captive.
  • Lucius comes into ownership of a pendant that allows the wearer to pass through any wards.
  • Harry and Romy start a food fight at the Slytherin table.
  • Clayton has detention with Umbridge for skateboarding in the corridors.
  • Romy is asked on a date by Colin Creevy.
  • Clayton overhears Romy say that he is a love sick puppy and is hurt by this, believing that he is a burden to his pack siblings.
  • (9th) The Daily Prophet print an article about Harry attending Hogwarts and being sorted into Slytherin.
  • Harry is attacked by Blaise who wants sex, Harry however is able to distract him and force him into a duel after telling Blaise that he's a werewolf. (Chapter Thirty-Four)
  • Cedric intervenes in the duel but only after Harry has stunned Blaise unconcious. Cedric and Harry bcome friends.
  • Harry decides to research Fenrir to find out why people are scared of him. He finds out that Fenrir used to bite children for fun.
  • Draco tells Harry that Severus is still alive after showing him a portrait of the Potions master. Harry decides not to tell Clayton or Romy.
  • Harry tells Romy what happened between him and Blaise, she wants him to tell someone but Harry refuses, blaming himself because of all the teasing and flirting.
  • (10th) Harry shows off in potions earning the respect and friendship of Horace Slughorn. (Chapter Thirty-Five) During Potions, Harry and Clay finally talk about what's bothering them and Harry tells Clay that Blaise attacked him and that Severus is alive.
  • Romy meets with her parents, this time alone and without her brother being there. It doesn't go well and Romy ends up leaving them in the Great Hall very quickly.
  • (11th) Harry shows off in History of Magic but when Binns asks a question about Fenrir Harry gets a little annoyed and Clay is startled to discover a little bit about Fenrir's past. (Chapter Thirty-Six)
  • (12th) Remus tries to talk to Harry after class however harry brushes him off, not wanting to talk to him.
  • Cedric gets Harry out of his History of Magic class so that they can spend the hour together. The two of them share ice cream sandwiches in the kitchen.
  • Slytherin Vs Ravenclaw Quidditch match. Slytherin win, 160-10.
  • One of the Ravenclaw Beaters gets angry and hits a bludger at Harry, it hits him to the back of his head. Draco catches him as Harry falls off his broom unconscious.
  • Harry, Romy and Clayton learn of Poppy Pomfrey's dislike of Werewolves.
  • (13th) Fenrir finds out that Harry has been hurt and isn't happy about it. (Chapter Thirty-Seven)
  • Micha wants to tell Clayton about him and Damon at the full moon. Damon says that it isn't a good idea and Micha is hurt by this. They argue over it and Damon leaves to buy chocolate to make up for the argument but without explaining that to Micha.
  • Callile gets sick. Her stomach is a little unsettled but it is put down to her immune system not being what it should be. Callie brushes it aside, saying she'll be fine.
  • Damon and Micah talk through their issues.
  • Clay, Draco and Romy tease Harry that Cedric has a crush on him.
  • Cedric asks harry on a date but Harry declines with the excuse that he'll be doing family things over the weekend when really it's the full moon.
  • (14th) Romy gets a letter from her parents asking to see her over the weekend. Dumbledore informs her that he has made an excuse for her not to see them. The headmaster asks to speak with Harry and there is a slight disagreement, in the end Dumbledore backs down but tries to use legimimens but fails when Harry puts up a wall blocking him.
  • Harry confronts Blaise in Slytherin common room after he complains that Harry, Romy and Clayton are sleeping together in the same bed. A fight ensues, Harry and Clay attacking Blaise before he can tell the whole common room what they are. Draco and Romy stop the fight and Draco threatens Blaise.
  • (15th) Before Harry, Clay and Romy travel home for the full moon they agree not to mention too much to Fenrir or the others, wanting to enjoy the weekend at home.
  • Micha and Damon argue over telling Clay again before they leave to pick them up from Hogwarts. (Chapter Thirty-Eight)
  • Fenrir, Callie and Damon travel to Hogwarts to collect Harry, Clayton and Romy.
  • Dumbledore threatens Fenrir, not happy with the knowledge that he is the Alpha wolf to the pack Harry is in. Harry reluctantly agrees to meet and talk with Dumbledore upon his return.
  • Refusing to go and talk to Fenrir straight away, Harry goes off to talk to Micha and congratulates him on his new relationship with Damon.
  • Harry and Fenrir avoid talking and have sex instead.
  • Dumbledore tells Romy's birth parents that she's a werewolf.
  • Fenrir is suspicious of what Lukas is doing when he isn't with the pack. (Chapter Thirty-Nine)
  • The strays have been skirting around the packs territory and Fenrir isn't happy.
  • The pack transform for the full moon.
  • (16th) Fenrir tries to tell Harry that he won't be playing Quidditch any more. Harry says that he isn't going to stop. Frustrated, Fenrir takes harry off into the forest so that he will submit to him.
  • Harry guesses that Lukas is involved with a girl.
  • Harry and Fenrir argue. Harry is trying to protect Fenrir and the pack but Fenrir is trying to protect Harry and the two clash catastrophically. Harry leaves the clearing on bad terms with Fenrir.
  • Romy's birth family are waiting for her in the headmasters office when they return to the school. It soon becomes clear they know what she is. (Chapter Forty)
  • Harry, Romy and Clay make an appearance in the Great Hall. Clay gets angry when he believes that Romy was meant to go on a date with Colin Creevy and leaves the hall. Cedric also comes to check on Harry.
  • On the way out of the Great Hall with Romy, Harry bumps into Blaise and the two of them start a fist fight. When Harry is about to walk away, Blaise draws his wand and fires. Romy takes the hit. Harry is knocked into a wall, hitting his head. Blaise then takes him and moves him to a classroom.
  • Clay, realising that his trunk was sent to Slytherin dormitories, leaves Gryffindor tower to go and get it.
  • Clayton finds Romy but is unable to wake her. Moving onwards he follows Harry's scent until he finds him. Blaise is on the verge of raping Harry. Clay attacks Blaise in a rage.
  • Fenrir knows that someone else is touching his mate through the mating mark and declares that he is off to Hogwarts.
  • Damon and Jenson stop him and goes himself. (Chapter Forty-One)
  • Clay takes Romy and Harry to the medical wing.
  • Jenson and Damon arrive at the school and demand to see Romy, Clay and Harry. They are taken to the medical wing by a reluctant Dumbledore.
  • Romy, Clay and Harry tell Jenson, Damon, Dumbledore and Poppy what happened to cause their injuries. Jenson and Damon decide to take them home until they are healed and things at the school have been sorted out.
  • (17th) Harry and Fenrir talk. The bond through the mating mark is breaking after what Blaise almost did with Harry, both Harry and Fenrir declare that they want to fix their relationship.
  • Letter's arrive in the pack saying that Harry, Clay and Romy are suspended from school until the 21st January and that Blaise has been expelled. Harry says he won't press charges because he would never put Fenrir's freedom at risk. (Chapter Forty-Two)
  • Harry and Lukas talk a little more about Nell.
  • Harry tells Micha that Severus is alive.
  • (18th) Draco writes to Harry, telling him how Blaise's family aren't happy that he's been removed from the school.
  • Romy urges Harry to talk to Fenrir.
  • The dominants talk about why the strays are attacking them, Voldemort and his connection with Harry. The decision is made that unless the strays cross into their territory then they do nothing until they know more.
  • Tessie tells Harry that if the mating mark bond breaks then it can't be made again.
  • Harry, though continuing to struggle with the memories of what has happened to him, he makes the effort to get close to Fenrir again, determined to fix their mating mark.
  • (19th) Jenson takes Clay hunting. (Chapter Forty-Three)
  • Micha catches Damon masturbating in the woods and rediscovers his sexual urges.
  • Harry agrees to sleep in the same bed as Fenrir again.
  • (20th) Clay apologises for not doing his job and protecting Harry from Blaise.
  • Harry tries to get Fenrir to sleep with him, Fenrir refuses but they talk a little and kiss.
  • Having been refused sex from his mate, Harry retreats from the others. Micha comes over to make sure he is okay Harry finally opens up about the attack to Micha. Fenrir eavesdrops on the conversation. (Chapter Forty-Four)
  • (21st) Harry receives a letter from Cedric.
  • Harry and Fenrir take steps forward in rebuilding their bond.
  • (22nd) Damon and Micha sneak off for some alone time, having still not told Clayton about their relationship.
  • Micha starts to realise how messed up things were with Harlan.
  • Harry gives Fenrir a blow job, starting to mend the mating marks that they share.
  • (23rd) Callie appears to be getting ill again.(Chapter Forty Five)
  • Harry, Romy and Clay return to Hogwarts after their expulsion. escorted by Jenson, Damon and Micha. The three adults take the three teenagers all the way into the Great Hall causing a slight commotion as most of the school stands to applaud them.
  • Romy realises that she might have feelings for Draco.
  • Romy receives another letter from her parents, her biological mother apologising to her. Romy considers giving them another chance.
  • (24th) Harry decides to brew Liquid Luck in potions class instead of doing the assigned work.
  • Slughorn invites Harry to a "gathering" - The Slug Club but doesn't give a solid date for when this is.
  • Draco flirts with Romy in library while they're studying by playing footsie with her under the table.
  • Draco goes back to the Room of Requirement to puzzle over the cabinet again.
  • (25th) Clayton is given a detention for later that evening by Umbridge for skateboarding in the hallways. She confiscates his skateboard. (Chapter Forty Six)
  • Draco talks to Harry about how both Dumbledore and Voldemort wanted him to befriend Harry. In order to trust him, Harry asks to use legilimency to look inside Draco's head, Draco agrees. While doing so Harry realises that Draco likes Romy.
  • Harry promises to teach Draco some tricks about how to keep Voldemort and Dumbledore out of his head.
  • Umbridge questions Clayton in his detention, asking him about Harry.
  • Clayton goes to Gryffindor tower after his detention to fetch some more of his belongings. Ron confronts Clay but Fred and George stand up for him, however Ron punches Clay, before Clay can retaliate, the twins drag Ron away. Hermione tries to look after him but he doesn't let her. Clayton gives Ron a piece of his mind.
  • (26th) Romy is concerned for Clayton but when she asks him he shrugs it off.
  • Harry stays after class to talk to Remus. Remus reveals that he takes the Wolfsbane potion and Harry advises him not to take it any more.Remus suggests that they talk once a week and Harry agrees.
  • Dumbledore mulls over his plan to get rid of Romy via a werewolf hunter in the hopes of focusing Harry attention on the horcruxes and destroying Voldemort.
  • Harry, Romy and Clayton go back to their abandoned classroom to put the wards up. Clayton snaps at Harry and Romy and storms out saying that they should put the wards up on their own.
  • (27th) Cedric comes to watch Harry Play Quidditch. (Chapter Forty Seven)
  • Harry and Cedric talk and Cedric makes it clear that he isn't about to give up on winning Harry's affections. Harry decides to agree to meeting Cedric as friends at the next Hogsmeade weekend, hoping that it would make Cedric back off and knowing that Fenrir would be there with him anyway so that he wouldn't have to actually go through with it.
  • Cedric starts to suspect that Harry might be in an abusive relationship.
  • Clayton and Harry have a serious argument which ends in Harry punching Clay several times. The fight ends when Clayton manages to restrain Harry, however Harry has a flashback of what happened with Blaise and has a melt down. Clayton walks away.
  • (28th) Romy talks to Clayton in the early hours of the morning, trying to get him to tell her what's wrong. Clayton finally breaks down and tells Romy what happened in the detention with Umbridge.
  • Jenson receives a letter from Romy about Harry and Clayton's fight the day before. He shares it with Damon, so that the two of them can decide what to do. (Chapter forty eight)
  • Fenrir agrees not to go to Hogwarts to check on Harry after the fight but instead agrees to talk to him via floo.
  • Micha says "I love you" to Damon. Damon says it back. The two of them take a step forward in their physical relationship too.
  • Harry and Clayton make up but Harry asks for a little time to come to terms with what happened and what was said.
  • Harry, Romy and Clay as Remus if they can use the floo in his office to talk to Fenrir. Remus agrees to them using his office for the call that evening.
  • Lukas meets Nell for a date. He wow's her with a driver and a date to a tea house. Nell says that she would like to meet Lukas' family. The two of them sleep together in the back of the car after their date.
  • Harry, Romy and Clay arrive for the floo call in Remus' office, Clay however leaves before contact is made with Fenrir.
  • After a short conversation through the floo, Fenrir decides that it isn't enough and comes through the floo network into Remus' office. Fenrir instantly recognises Remus as a man he bit and also the man who bit Lukas.
  • Fenrir is rather unimpressed by Remus who isn't taking care of himself as a werewolf should. Remus makes it clear that he doesn't approve of Harry and Fenrir's mate-ship. (Chapter forty nine)
  • Fenrir is less than pleased when he realises that Remus is taking the wolfsbane potion. To prove a point to Remus about how dangerous the potion is to their kind, Harry puts his hand into the fire, badly burning himself in the process.
  • (29th) Romy makes the decision to go and see her biological mother.
  • Clayton gets a little jealous over how close Romy and Draco seem to be.
  • (30th) Harry decides to go and see Remus while Clayton has detention with Umbridge.
  • Remus and Harry talk about Lily, the pack and try to figure each other out. Harry tries to convince Remus to join the pack and stop taking the potion.
  • (31st) Harry notices the scar on the back of Clayton's hand from the detention with Umbridge. Between Clay and Romy, Harry finds out what has been happening. Harry is outraged and wants to go in Clay's place next time, a suggestion Romy and Clay aren't happy with. (Chapter Fifty)
  • Dumbledore asks to meet with Harry after dinner via owl. Harry decides that it's time to hear what the headmaster has to say.
  • Fenrir kills one of the strays that had wandered into his territory. Before killing him, Fenrir was able to extract information from him about what the rest of the strays are planning and their orders from Voldemort.
  • Ron and Dean start a duel with Harry in the corridor. Harry binds them with a spell, sticks their feet to the ground and silences them before leaving them there and going to see Dumbledore.
  • Dumbledore talks to Harry about the prophecy made before he was born, stating that he was the one that could defeat Voldemort. They discuss the Horcruxes and Ginny's death. Harry wants to hear the prophecy, however it is in the Ministry, which is in the hands of Voldemort.
  • Dumbledore suggests the unbreakable vow to Harry. Harry agrees to it but wants to see his Dad (Severus) first. They agree to meet the following evening after dinner.


  • (1st) Damon and Micha sleep with each other for the first time but with Micha taking the dominant role so that Damon can show him that sex is enjoyable and isn't meant to hurt like it did with Harlan. (Chapter Fifty One)
  • Jenson talks to Fenrir about Lukas. Jenson is concerned that Lukas is a spy, however Fenrir reassures him that it's just a new girlfriend. Fenrir is aware that she is a human and a muggle and he has no problem as long as he didn't bring her among the pack.
  • Niko is left with the strays.
  • (2nd) Harry conjures a patronus in the Great Hall during breakfast and realises that it is no longer a stag but a giant silver wolf. (Chapter Fifty Two)
  • Harry reveals to Remus that Dumbledore is keeping his Dad prisoner. Harry then asks Remus to come with him when Dumbledore takes him to see Severus.
  • Luna becomes friends with Romy.
  • Clayton kisses Romy against her will. Romy is furious at being violated after everything she's been through. It was also her first kiss.
  • Romy goes to see her biological parents.
  • Clayton gets cornered by Umbridge and dragged off to detention.
  • Harry, Remus and Dumbledore travel to Grimmauld Place to see Severus. Sirius is also there. Severus is badly injured, close to dying. He is put under a spell to maintain his life. (Chapter Fifty Three)
  • Clayton is questioned by Umbridge about Harry. The Carrow's use Crucio on him.
  • Harry and Dumbledore make an Unbreakable Vow. Dumbledore agrees to keep Severus alive and unharmed, to return him to Harry alive and healthy, to allow Harry to visit Severus and that Dumbledore will not harm and current or future members of the pack. Harry agrees to do anything and everything required to bring about the destruction of Voldemort, including the destruction of all fragments of his Soul.
  • Remus and Dumbledore move Severus to the Hogwarts hospital Wing.
  • Sirius leaves Grimmauld Place and is captured by Deatheaters.
  • (3rd) Callie shares with Tessie that she thinks she might be pregnant. (Chapter Fifty Four)
  • Sirius is given to Bellatrix as a play thing.
  • Voldemort takes control of Diagon Alley
  • Harry receives a letter from the pack, confirming that some of them will be coming to Hogsmeade for the weekend.
  • (4th) Cedric comes to watch Harry play Quidditch. Cedric asks Harry on a date to Hogsmeade, Harry accepts, hoping that by showing Cedric that he's taken, Cedric will leave him alone.
  • (5th) Hogsmead weekend (Saturday).
  • Theo is told that Harry and co are werewolves, he admits that his second cousin, twice removed is also a werewolf and an Alpha.
  • Harry, Clay and Romy are reunited with some of the pack (Fenrir, Jenson and Callie)
  • Clayton is made Omega by Fenrir for hurting Harry in their fight.
  • Harry and Fenrir sleep together for the first time since Blaise attacked Harry, repairing their connection through the mating mark.
  • Cedric comes to meet Harry for their date and finds Harry and Fenrir together. He leaves, convinced that Harry is being abused in someway.
  • Romy's biological family interrupt the pack's time in Hogsmeade. After Jake makes some disparaging remarks towards Romy, Draco punches Jake in the jaw.
  • (6th) Dumbledore sends harry a letter via house elf asking him to visit him after dinner. (Chapter Fifty Five)
  • During his meeting with Dumbledore Harry learns that the keeper of the Hogs Head is Dumbledore's brother. Dumbledore shows Harry the Gaunt ring, telling him that this is one of the Horcruxes. Harry tells Dumbledore about his dream. Harry tells Dumbledore that he can speak parsletongue. They discuss the prophecy, Dumbledore dropping hints that only Harry can retrieve it.
  • Sirius is tortured by Bellatrix.
  • (7th) Callie and Micha are attacked in the territory. After a brief fight, Micha claims the knife and stabs their attacker in the throat.
  • Damon decides that it's time to tell Clayton about his relationship with Micha.
  • Fenrir makes the decision that the other four children he bit around the time he bit Harry should now be recruited into the pack.
  • Dumbledore discovers that Sirius is missing. He doesn't care.
  • While visiting the Owlery, Harry bumps into Cedric. They discuss the Hogsmeade weekend. Cedric comes to the conclusion that Fenrir is hurting Harry after spotting the mating mark on Harry's neck. Harry accidentally reveals that he's a werewolf to Cedric. (Chapter Fifty Six)
  • Harry goes to Remus and asks him to tell him a bit about his mum.
  • Clayton is caught by McGonagall fighting with Ron because Ron insulted Romy.
  • Harry goes to visit Severus in the Hogwarts hospital wing.
  • Harry shares with Romy and Clay that his Dad is at Hogwarts and the state he's in. Harry explains that he has agreed to help Dumbledore who is keeping Severus as leverage against him. Harry tells Romy and Clay about the prophecy and that he wants to get it from the Ministry of Magic.
  • (9th) Micha and Damon go on a date to a fun fair. Micha see's his reflection for the first time. (Chapter Fifty Seven)
  • Romy has found some information on how to make their forest room. Romy and Harry set about building their forest room and hiding it away from other students. They make sure that Clay can be allowed inside.(Chapter Fifty Eight)
  • (10th) Harry has his weekly Friday Quidditch practice. Cedric turns up to watch but Harry avoids him.
  • Harry talks to Clay, who tells Harry that Romy has told him what happened between her and her brother.
  • Harry then shares with Draco and Theo that he wants to break into the Ministry of Magic to steal a prophecy. They agree to help him. Harry then tells them all (including Romy and Clay) that he made the unbreakable vow with Dumbledore.
  • The fall out from Harry's confession. (Chapter Fifty Nine)
  • (11th) Harry shares what he knows about the Horcruxes with Romy, Clay, Theo and Draco. The group start to plan how they're going to get into the Ministry of Magic and steal the prophecy. The agree to go the following week.
  • (12th) Fenrir, Damon and Callie leave the territory to collect Harry, Clay and Romy from Hogsmeade.
  • Before Harry, Clay and Romy can arrive at the arranged meeting place they are confronted by Romy's biological parents who want her to come home with them. Romy refuses, which is when the werewolf hunters step forward and attack them. Harry tries to kill Romy's biological family with the killing curse but he is stopped by Fenrir. Clayton kills one of the three.
  • Fenrir, Damon, Callie, Clayton, Harry and Romy transform in the forbidden forest, unable to return to the pack. (Chapter Sixty)
  • (13th) When they return to the clearing Monday morning (including Harry, Clayton and Romy), Micha is missing.
  • Aiden and Dean start distancing themselves from Gideon and the pack of strays.
  • Damon finds an injured Micha and returns him to the clearing to he healed.
  • Harry is punished by Fenrir for not following his instructions. The punishment involves spanking. Fenrir forces Harry to submit to him.
  • While checking the boundaries Jenson and Clay find a corpse.
  • Clay accepts Damon's relationship with Micha.(Chapter Sixty One)
  • The pack discuss the night before and how they came to be separated on a full moon. Jenson and Damon end up fighting.
  • After checking over Callie to ensure she isn't injured, Romy discovers that Callie is pregnant.
  • (14th) Valentines Day. Harry, Romy and Clay realise they need to return to Hogwarts. (Chapter Sixty Two)
  • Fenrir gives Harry the heart shaped lolly that Micha brought back from the funfair date with Damon.
  • Fenrir returns Harry, Clay and Romy to Hogwarts.
  • Jenson takes Callie to St Mungos for a check-up.Confirming that she is indeed pregnant, nine weeks along.
  • Clay gives Romy a photo album, he tells her that it's her choice if he remains her cousin or becomes something more. Clayton dances around the great hall, singing to Romy.
  • Draco and Romy share a kiss that is a little awkward. It makes her realise just how much she wants to be with Clay.
  • Lukas takes Nell on a romantic date to a castle. He tells her that he loves her.
  • Damon takes Micha to a chocolate factory.
  • Hermione corners Romy into a private conversation. Hermione tells Romy that she knows what she is. Hermione asks Romy to back off from Clayton, threatening to tell everyone what she is. In response to the threats, Romy slaps Hermione.
  • One of the Valentines day cards given to Harry contains aconite, causing serious burns to his hands and slight burns on Romy too. Looking at the card, Harry realises it's from Blaise.
  • Jenson tells Fenrir about Callie's pregnancy.
  • Damon takes Micha to one of the hotels that he owns. Micha bottoms to Damon for the first time.
  • (15th) Damon and Micha attempt to track down Jaylon.After finding him in a bad way having been chained and tortured, Damon and Micha take him to the Pack territory. (Chapter Sixty Three)
  • Harry goes to see Remus with Clayton and Romy but instead of staying for a chat, dives for the fireplace and uses the floo network to travel to Lukas' address.
  • Harry lands in Lukas' house, in front of the couch where Lukas and Nell are currently having sex.
  • Harry comes across an unconscious Jaylon in the clearing. It spurs on the conversation about how many other children Fenrir has bitten, which Harry isn't happy about.
  • Harry informs Fenrir and Jenson that Lukas is fine and at his home and having a bit of fun as Lukas has not returned to the pack since Valentines day morning.
  • Fenrir returns Harry back to Hogwarts. (Chapter Sixty Four)
  • Clay and Romy go to the Hufflepuff Vs Gryffindor Quidditch match and it is not a date.
  • Ron sends a tripping jinx at Romy, enraging Clay. Clay attacks Ron but Romy and Seamus are able to defuse the situation before it gets worse. However Ron doesn't think it's over and sends another spell at Romy, causing her to fall to the ground and Clay loses it. He has to be stunned to stop him from hitting Ron. Clay, Romy and Ron end up in the hospital wing.
  • Harry, Romy and Clayton go and spend their first night together in their forest classroom.
  • (16th) Harry tells Romy and Clayton about Jaylon. Harry also shares that Fenrir was the one to bite Clay. (Chapter Sixty Five)
  • Clay is summoned by McGonagall to go and see Dumbledore. After some debate Harry and Romy go too. Damon and Micha are also present. Harry admits to Damon and Micha that he and Dumbledore have made the unbreakable vow.
  • Jenson gets so wound up about being so out of control with what's going on that he lashes out at Fenrir. The two rough house for a while but Fenrir wins overall when Jenson submits to him.
  • (17th) Harry talks to Remus. harry is hoping to convince Remus to join the pack for the next full moon. (Chapter Sixty Six)
  • Harry visits his dad briefly before Quidditch practice.
  • Cedric and Harry argue, Cedric really thinks that Fenrir is hurting Harry from the marks on Harry from him and Fenrir having sex in the forest.
  • (18th) Clayton and Romy share their first proper kiss.
  • Clay admits that the Carrow's have used the cruciatus curse on him on Umbridge's request.
  • Nell's parents walk in on Nell and Lukas while they're naked, just having had sex.
  • Draco, Theo, Harry and Clay talk more about their trip to the Ministry.
  • Jaylon starts to adapt to pack life.
  • (20th) Harry transforms into a falcon and causes some trouble in the great hall at breakfast. He steals Umbrdiges pink bow. To cover the fact that it was Harry, Clay and Romy then start a food fight. (Chapter Sixty Seven)
  • Dumbledore is suspicious that Harry is an animagus but cannot prove it.
  • Remus tries to mention James in a meeting with Harry, Harry refuses to acknowledge James as his Dad. Harry storms out in a mood.
  • Harry decides that he's going to the Ministry to retrieve the prophecy. Draco decides to go with Harry and Clay while Romy remains behind. Cedric tries to stop them leaving but instead decides to go with them.
  • The Carrow siblings see Draco, Cedric, Harry and Clayton leaving and eavesdrop to know that they're heading to the Ministry and go to inform Voldemort.
  • Voldemort is told that Harry is on his way to the Ministry. (Chapter Sixty Eight)
  • As soon as Harry, Clay, Draco and Cedric are gone, Romy and Theo go to find Remus so that she can go home and alert Fenrir and the other pack members about what Harry is about to do. Remus goes with them.
  • While apperating into the territory with Lukas, Remus and Theo, Romy gets splinched (her arm).
  • Romy and Theo tell the pack where Harry and Clay have gone. Informing them that Draco and Cedric have gone with them. Fenrir, Lukas and Damon head to the Ministry, Remus takes Romy and Theo back to Hogwarts.
  • Harry, Clay, Draco and Cedric get to the Ministry and find the room that holds the prophecies. They manage to find the prophecy relating to Harry. Voldemort then appears and tries to convince harry to join him as allies. Gideon (plus three strays) and Lucius are also with Voldemort.
  • Harry smashes the prophecy, unintentionally allowing everyone to hear what it says.
  • Voldemort, Gideon and Lucius attack Harry, Clay, Draco and Cedric.
  • Fenrir, Damon and Lukas find Harry, Clay, Draco and Cedric.
  • While trying to get out of the Ministry, Fenrir, Damon, Lukas, Harry, Clay, Draco and Cedric are confronted with Voldemort.
  • Dumbledore turns up at the Ministry. (Chapter Sixty Nine)
  • Fenrir mentions that Draco and Clayton are brothers.
  • Clay, Draco, Harry and Cedric are returned to Hogwarts by Damon, leaving Fenrir and Lukas at the Ministry.
  • Dumbledore and Lukas return to Hogwarts, however Lukas tells them that Fenrir has been arrested by Aurors.
  • Dumbledore and Harry leave to rescue Fenrir.
  • Aiden and Dean's friendship builds. They take Niko under their wing to protect him.
  • Fenrir has been taken to the Ingleton house. Harry fights with Tonks and Moody, freeing Fenrir. Dumbledore agrees to allow Harry, Clay and Romy to return home for a few days, to recover. While at his home, Harry collects his broomstick and Clay's skateboard.
  • Remus realises that Lukas is the child he bit.
  • Lukas is told about the unbreakable vow and Remus admits to be the one to perform the magic.
  • Fenrir, Damon, Lukas, Harry, Clay and Romy all return to the territory.
  • (21st) Fenrir drags Harry off into the forest to get an explanation from him. Harry gives it to him, including the unbreakable vow. Fenrir is angry and decides that to punish Harry for what he has done, Fenrir denies Harry physical contact. (Chapter Seventy)
  • As the pack start to wake they realise that Jaylon is missing. They set out in search of him.
  • Aiden, Dean and Niko, while checking the boundaries, find Jaylon. Jaylon asks to go back to the Greyback pack. Aiden takes Jaylon (unconcious after falling over) and Niko with the intention of returning Jaylon to the Greyback pack.
  • Tessie and Jenson are the ones to come across Aiden, Jaylon and Niko. Aiden suggests that Niko go back with Jenson and Tessie as well as Jaylon. Aiden turns spy for the Greyback pack.
  • Fenrir accepts Niko into the pack but says that if he betrays them then it falls on Jenson.
  • Niko, in the midst of a large argument about what Harry did and the prophecy, strolls in and just hugs Harry. (Chapter Seventy One)
  • Aiden and Dean's friendship starts to develop into something more.
  • Romy tells Harry what she's found out about James and Lily through her research.
  • (22nd) Damon tries to convince Fenrir to end the punishment. (Chapter Seventy Two)
  • Jenson asks Harry to brew a potion for Callie and as a result Harry figures out that Callie is pregnant.
  • Harry, Clayton and Romy return to Hogwarts.
  • Harry shares with Remus about the Horcruxes. Harry shows Remus the fake locket, Remus is sure he's seen it somewhere before.
  • Remus tells Harry what he was able to find out about the people who attacked them on the last full moon. Werewolf Hunters.
  • Romy tries to initiate sex but Clay stops her, not wanting things to move too fast between them. They confirm that they are together as a couple.
  • Voldemort believes that Draco is still working for him but wants to test his loyalties. (Chapter Seventy Three)
  • (23rd) Harry, Clay, Draco, Romy and some of the other Slytherin's discuss Draco and Clay being brothers.
  • Harry makes Cedric believe that he's pregnant with Fenrir's quads. Cedric begs harry to leave Fenrir. Amycus Carrow overhears this conversation and also believes that Harry is pregnant.
  • Amycus passes this information to Lucius and in turn Voldemort is told.
  • (24th) Harry and Clay get up early to pull a prank. They have hundreds of gnomes and they permanently stick them all over the school. (Chapter Seventy Four)
  • Umbridge gives Harry detention for the prank.
  • Draco tells Harry that he's been summoned home at the weekend to see Voldemort.
  • Umbridge learns that Harry can't feel pain in the Friday night detention.
  • Lukas tells Jenson about Nell and his intentions to marry her.
  • (25th) (Saturday) Harry, Romy and Clayton travel back to the pack with Remus. (Chapter Seventy Five)
  • Harry fully and willingly submits himself to Fenrir.
  • Clay is officially not the Omega anymore.
  • Remus explains Horcruxes and what they mean to Harry to Fenrir.
  • Draco is summoned home to see Voldemort. Voldemort asks about Harry's pregnancy and Draco is branded with the Dark Mark.
  • Draco, in anger, tells his father about Clay being his half-brother. He also tells his mother.
  • (26th)Romy, Harry, Clayton and Remus return to Hogwarts. (Chapter Seventy Six)
  • Harry confirms to Draco that he's not pregnant but Dumbledore has found out via Cedric and is summoned to the Infirmary to be tested.
  • Fenrir receives a letter, summoning him to Hogwarts for the pregnancy test.
  • (27th) Harry goes to the hospital wing as instructed and is shocked to see Fenrir, Damon and Niko there. It is confirmed that Harry isn't pregnant. The whole incident makes Damon ask questions about why harry was reading about pregnancy potions.
  • Niko calls Harry mum.
  • When Damon returns to the clearing he demands a word with Jenson. Jenson finally tells him that Callie is pregnant. Jenson and Damon end up in a fight.
  • Hermione threatens Romy to stop dating Clay, saying that if Romy doesn't then Hermione is going to tell everyone what they are. Romy laughs it off.
  • Harry goes to talk to Remus, wanting him to pass the message of Hermione's threats to Fenrir. While there Remus says he might have found one of the Horcruxes but needs to check a few things first.
  • (28th) Harry, Clay and Romy ask the Slytherins for help getting ahead of Hermione's threats. (Chapter Seventy-Seven)
  • Draco tells Harry that Sirius is a prisoner at Malfoy Manor.
  • Draco and Harry try and decide what to tell Voldemort. (Draco is still pretending to spy for him).
  • Remus has found the locket and he and Harry go to the headmaster about it, the three of them go to Grimmauld Place to destroy it. Harry is the one to do the deed.
  • Harry tells Remus where Sirius is.
  • (29th) Harry and Clay discover that all the Gryffindor's know what they are, Hermione has told them.
  • Harry, Draco and Clay prank Ron. They strip him naked, tie him to a chair and leave him in levitating in the middle of the Great Hall.
  • While in his potions class, Ron and Dean throw something into Harry's cauldron. Clay dives to cover Harry as his potion explodes. Clay is injured in the blast. Harry and Clay are sent to the hospital wing, Ron, Seamus and Dean to the headmasters office. The five of them end up in a fist fight where Seamus is bitten by Clay, though Harry takes the blame.
  • A letter arrives in the pack telling them that a boy has been bitten and Harry has said that it was him. Fenrir and Damon are furious. The two of them go to the school to deal with the situation. (Chapter Seventy-Eight)
  • Fenrir agrees to help Seamus if he turns.
  • Draco in a rage over what has happened, tells Harry that he has the dark mark. Draco asks Harry to help him save his mum and brother, Harry agrees.
  • Draco tells Harry about the vanishing cabinet and how he needs it fixing.
  • Fenrir instructs Damon to start bringing the bitten children into the back starting with Robin.
  • Harry goes to his detention with Dumbledore. Dumbledore tells harry that he knows Clay bit Seamus but has no proof and Harry won't go against what they've already said.
  • Harry tells Dumbledore about the Umbridge quill.
  • Harry visits Seamus in the hospital wing. Seamus tells Harry that he knows it was Clay that bit him and says that he won't say anything.


  • (1st) The Gryffindor's turn on Seamus and his girlfriend dumps him. (Chapter Seventy Nine)
  • Remus tells Dumbledore that he should give Harry, James' old invisibility cloak.
  • Harry, Clay and Romy encourage Seamus to the Slytherin table so that he doesn't have to be bullied by his former friends.
  • Seamus informs harry, Clay and Romy that Hermione has sent information to the Daily Prophet about them being werewolves.
  • Damon, Micha and Niko turn up at the school and with Remus' help take Romy, Harry, Clay and Seamus ice skating.
  • Harry goes to his detention with Dumbledore. They discuss the remaining horcruxes. At the end of the detention Dumbledore gives Harry an invisibility cloak, however it is not the one that once belonged to James.
  • (2nd) Harry finally tells Cedric that he isn't actually pregnant. (Chapter Eighty)
  • Dumbledore asks Remus to spy on the pack. Remus refuses.
  • Niko lets slip to Fenrir that they all went ice skating.
  • Harry has to miss Quidditch practice to go to his detention with Dumbledore.
  • Dumbledore quizzes Harry regarding Niko.
  • (3rd) The Daily Prophet announces that Harry is a werewolf. Remus agrees to take the news to the pack so that they are forewarned.
  • The Slytherins all rally behind harry even after finding out he's a werewolf.
  • Lucius reads the article but mainly because of his other son Clayton. It make's him think of Chloe and what he lost to do his duty to his family. He vows to find her.
  • Harry goes to visit Remus and finds Fenrir in his office. Harry confides in Fenrir that he is trying to gain legal custody of Niko. Remus gives Harry the Marauder's map.
  • Lukas goes for dinner at Nell's parents. It doesn't go well and Nell tells Lukas and her parents that she's pregnant. Nell's father, Edward wants her to get rid of the baby which causes a bigger argument. Lukas eventually apperates away with Nell.
  • Lukas tells Nell that he and his family are special, that they can do magic. Nell asks for some time to process everything. (Chapter Eighty One)
  • (4th) Damon and Micha go and find Robin, bringing her into the pack. She doesn't fit in well and doesn't handle being rejected by Fenrir either. She is forced to submit to Fenrir.
  • (6th) Draco shows Clay a picture of their little brother Brax. (Chapter Eighty Two)
  • Robin tries very hard to seduce Fenrir after catching him naked in the stream. Micha see's as Robin pretends to submit only to try and give Fenrir a blowjob. Robin refuses to help within the pack, enraging everyone, Fenrir especially.
  • (7th) Lukas gets a letter from Nell confirming the pregnancy and even though she still needs some time away from him, she still loves him very much. Another letter states that the Ministry will be getting involved after he apperated in front of muggles.
  • Harry sends the potions for Callie's pregnancy to her.
  • Fenrir hits Robin when she dares to touch him again.
  • (8th) Harry recieves a letter from Lukas asking for help with the Ministry.
  • Dumbledore arranges with Harry to collect Ginny's body from the chamber of secrets. Harry asks Dumbledore to help Lukas regarding his issues with the Ministry and using magic in front of muggles.
  • (10th) Micha suggests that he works at Blue Moon.(Chapter Eighty Three)
  • Micha finally bottoms for Damon, overcoming his fears.
  • Harry, Clay and Romy bring a cake to Remus to celebrate his birthday. Remus tells them about the room of requirement.
  • Micha goes to a trial shift at Blue Moon to see if he'll like it. He gets the job.
  • Harry, Clay and Romy go and find Seamus. They bring him to the forest room so that he can be with them and be safe.
  • (11th) Remus takes Harry, Romy and Clayton back to the territory. They meet Robin who is her obnoxious self. (Chapter Eighty Four)
  • Fenrir and Callie realise how under nourished Harry is and force him to start eating.
  • Harry falls out with Robin after finding out that she is trying to take Fenrir from him.
  • Lukas talks to Harry about Niko and the process of adopting him. Harry explains it all to Fenrir who is amazingly proud of Harry for fighting so hard to keep them all together.
  • Harry talks to Jenson about the magical cabinet to help Draco.
  • Fenrir shows Harry the platforms in the trees that are linked with little walk ways.
  • (12th) Romy suggests pranking Robin to harry. They take her hairbrush and curse it so that it messes her hair up rather than neatens it. (Chapter Eighty Five)
  • Full Moon. Remus and Jaylon's first with the pack. Harry realises that Remus is still taking the potion.Robi challenges Harry and Harry bests her in the fight. Robin then moves on to Jaylon. Jaylon gets the best of her.
  • Seamus goes to the Shrieking Shack in case he transforms. He does but he is alone and scared.
  • (13th) Aurors attack the pack.
  • The Aurors reveal that they have come for Niko. Harry bargins with them to ensure that no one gets hurt and that they can legally keep Niko. However for that to work the Aurors have to take Niko. (Chapter Eighty Seven)
  • Romy, Clay and Robin go back to Hogwarts with Remus. Harry remains behind to ensure Niko is returned to them.
  • The strays realise that the wards around the Greyback territory are down.
  • Robin is sorted into Slytherin and Micha tests the sorting hat and is sorted into Hufflepuff.
  • The wards go back up but Russ is inside them and therefore he isn't affected by them.
  • Clay and Romy catch up with Seamus. They discover that he has turned and is one of them.
  • Robin meets Ron.
  • Luna and Theo are dating in secret as Theo's family don't want him with her.
  • Clay gets fed up of being a part time boyfriend and asks Romy to let him know when she's ready to take the relationship seriously.
  • (14th) Seamus finally tells his parents via owl that he's a werewolf. (Chapter Eighty Eight)
  • Jenson helps Harry look into the cabinet for Draco so they can fix it.
  • Lukas brings back the paperwork to ensure that Niko can be brought back to the pack.
  • Jenson, Lukas and Harry go to the Ministry to get Niko. They bump into Lukas' father Malcolm. They finally get him back and take him home.
  • Lukas goes to see Nell. They start rebuilding their relationship so that they can be together as a family.
  • (15th) Seamus' parents respond to his letter, rejecting him as their son. (Chapter Eighty Nine)
  • Harry returns to Hogwarts.
  • Lukas puts in a request to have Romy and Clay to be officially adopted by the pack. This can take up to 90 days as their biologically family is given a chance to reply.
  • Romy and Clay mend their relationship.
  • Harry shares with Draco what he learnt about the cabinet from Jenson.
  • Draco accidentally finds the Diadem but doesn't know what it is and places it on top of the cabinet where he found it.
  • Harry and Robin get into a fight, Robin threatens to kill Harry.
  • Fenrir meets with Aiden, taking Niko with him. Aiden tells Fenrir that Russ can get into the wards. Fenrir is dismissive of it. Aiden and Fenrir organise a trap to kill a few of the strays.
  • (17th) (Fri) Fenrir, Lukas and Damon go to carry out the trap. (Chapter Ninety)
  • Aiden is offered a place in the Greyback pack but Dean is not, Aiden refuses until Dean can come with him, unwilling to leave his mate behind.
  • Aiden and Dean are made Omegas in the Stray pack.
  • (18th) Hogsmeade weekend. Seamus gets to survey the pack, his new family. It is also Jaylon's 16th birthday and he is bought his first wand by Remus.
  • Fenrir talks to Seamus. Fenrir realises that Seamus has a remarkable sense of smell, close to his own enhanced ability that is impressive even for a werewolf.
  • Fenrir asks Romy how she would feel about Dean coming into the pack. She says to give him a chance.
  • Dean, after being forced to watch Aiden be beaten and raped, takes his chance and fights for freedom, taking Aiden with him.
  • Fenrir, Jenson and Lukas go to the aid of Dean and Aiden who arrive at their wards. Both Dean and Aiden are unconscious and they take them to the clearing. (Chapter Ninety One)
  • Robin sleeps with McLaggen.
  • (19th) Harry gives Draco a letter from Jenson who says he will come to the school via floo and see if he can fix the cabinet.
  • Callie threatens Dean to stay away from Romy.
  • Harry and Dumbledore fetch Ginny from the chamber of secrets and return her body to the Weasley family.
  • When Damon and Jenson start fighting, Fenrir is forced to leave Dean to go and intervene. Jaylon meets Dean for the first time.
  • Damon and Micha go and fetch Aspen. They discover that he is at Atwood school, somewhere that both Damon and Micha have been before.Damon gives his details to Mr Atwood who runs the school telling him that if any other werewolf children end up there to contact him and he'll remove them from the school.
  • Clay refuses to have sex with Romy. He thinks that she isn't ready. This leads to another falling out between the two of them.
  • Luna confirms that she and Theo are sleeping together.
  • Harry meets Molly and Arthur Weasley.
  • After finding that there are two werewolves instead of just one, Aspen and Rosie go with Micha and Damon back to the pack. Fenrir picks up on Rosie's drinking instantly.
  • Lukas and Nell have been to a private scan, Nell is 8 weeks pregnant. Due in October.
  • Jaylon starts feeling drawn to Dean and Aiden.
  • (20th) Harry plays a prank on Dumbledore, causing his beard to change colours (Chapter Ninety Two)
  • Dean isn't certain that he belongs in the pack, not after what he's done to them. Aiden tells Dean to show the pack that he's changed. They discuss their feelings for Jaylon.
  • During her detention with Umbridge, Robin refuses to use the blood quill. Amycus uses the cruciatus curse on her. Robin succumbs and writes the lines.
  • Clay offers to take veritaserum to fix his relationship with Romy.
  • Jenson comes to Hogwarts to look at the cabinet. He manages to fix it. Draco sends a letter through to his mother to test it.
  • Robin meets Cedric and decides that she can use him to her advantage and to hurt Harry. Their meeting is cut short by Amycus who insists he will walk Robin back to her dorm. Instead he forces her into a clas room and rapes her.
  • (21st) Cedric takes what Robin tells him to heart and renews his efforts with Harry. Much to harry's confusion and slight annoyance. (Chapter Ninety Three)
  • Robin rather publicly breaks up with Cormac. He goes to hit her but Clay stops him. Harry defends her too.
  • Clay and Romy start to mend their relationship again.
  • (22nd) Harry goes to Slughorn to ask for the veritiserum. In return he helps to teach the third year class and help them.
  • Clay, Seamus and Romy prank the school with bubbles overflowing from all the toilets.
  • Amycus admits to Harry what he did to Robin. He threatens to do the same to him or to Romy. Harry punches Amycus in the nose.
  • Robin and Ron come up with a plan to hurt Harry in their Transfiguration class. Robin pours aconite into Harry's robes. By the end of class Harry is drained and tired, he excuses himself and tries to go and lie down but faints before he makes it.
  • Tessie gives some advice to Dean and Aiden regarding Jaylon.
  • Aggravated by Amycus, Robin needs to take back control and forces Cormac into having sex with her.
  • Cormac goes to the headmaster about what Robin has done to him.
  • Clay, Romy and Seamus go in search of Harry and find him unconscious in the hallway. Romy's hands are also burnt by the aconite as she tries to help Harry.
  • Dumbledore catches up to Robin who is on her way to the hospital wing. Robin tells Dumbledore what Amycus did to her.
  • Fenrir is summoned to the school immediately. Damon goes with him. Dumbledore expels Robin with immediate effect. Damon takes her back to the pack so she can't cause any more trouble while Fenrir stays with Harry who still isn't awake.
  • (23rd) Harry finally wakes up in the hospital wing and goes back to sleep, happy that Fenrir is with him. (Chapter Ninety Four)
  • Damon and Micha leave to collect the last of Fenrir's bitten children, Quinn. He isn't home but they meet his neighbor Riley.
  • Fenrir returns to the pack, though he does so begrudgingly. Fenrir is furious at Robin though she denies poisoning Harry. He destroys all her clothes as part of her punishment.
  • (24th) Rosie expresses an interest in learning how to cook. Callie tells her she is three months pregnant.
  • Umbridge questions Harry about the disappearance of Robin. Umbridge is under the impression that Harry has killed her. When Umbridge leaves to confirm with Dumbledore that Robin has been expelled, Harry and Amycus are left alone and he confronts the deatheater about what he did to Robin.
  • Clay takes Romy on a date to the school kitchens where the house elves have prepared a dinner for them. Clay gives her a gift, a heart shaped locket.
  • Micha is hit on by a gentleman during his time at Blue Moon. The gentleman gives Micha a very large tip.
  • (25th) (Saturday) Harry tells Seamus about the altercation with Amycus the day before and how he raped Robin. (Chapter Ninety Five)
  • Ron tells Umbridge that Romy and Clayton are leaving the castle together.
  • Clay and Romy go on a date to Hogsmeade together. However it ends badly and the two of them break up again. However Harry has the veritiserum and they decide that it's time to fix the problems between the two of them once and for all but they need to wait until it is safe to do it.
  • Dumbledore has narrowed down the location of the cup to being in the vaults of one of his followers.
  • Clay gets a better realisation about why Harry is doing what he's doing when he see's the state of Severus.
  • Robin, in emotional turmoil starts to hurt herself to distract from the emotional pain.
  • (26th) Jenson is fed up of Callie being stubborn and decides to take her to a healer. The healer tells them that her liver is not functioning as it should be. (Intrahepatic cholestasis).
  • Robin and Rosie bond over their mutual need for alcohol.
  • Rosie is caught stealing alcohol from the store where Nell works. Rosie threatens to tell Fenrir about Nell if Lukas tells Fenrir about her stealing alcohol. Lukas and Nell get into a fight, Nell is scared of Lukas leaving her and the baby. Lukas proposes to her.
  • (27th) Damon and Micha make another attempt at collecting Quinn and this time he's home. They convince him to give the pack a chance. Riley tries to tell Quinn that she loves him but he stops her and says he doesn't feel that way. (Chapter Ninety Six)
  • Harry asks Draco about the Hufflepuff cup. Draco agrees to help look into it and involve his mother too. Anything to end the war.
  • Rosie makes the effort to get to know Robin by playing a drinking game with her.
  • (28th) Thanks to Ron, Harry is running late to collect his contraception potion. Harry gives some to Romy, Micha and takes some himself, not knowing that over brewing it makes it slightly less effective.
  • Aiden asks permission from Fenrir to court Jaylon. Fenrir says the Aiden needs to ask Tessie and Remus but as long as they agree then he will agree too.
  • Romy and Clay take veriterserum and fix their relationship.
  • (29th) Micha receives the contraception potion from Harry. (Chapter Ninety Seven)
  • Aiden talks to Tessie about Jaylon. Tessie agrees to consider it.
  • Dean decides he can't be part of Ron's vendetta any more.
  • Lukas and Micha go shopping together and meet Nell. Lukas buys Nell and engagement ring. Micha buys Damon a promise ring to wear.
  • Micha tells Damon about Nell and how she and Lukas are engaged. He gives Damon the promise rings, one each so that they are promised to each other.
  • Quinn sends a letter for Robin to Ron. Robin hopes he will help her ruin Harry's life a little bit.
  • (30th) (Thursday) Ron recieves the letter from Robin.
  • Narcissa goes looking for information on the cup.
  • Aiden asks Jaylon to eat with them. Jaylon accepts, though he is still a little scared.
  • Clay asks harry if he and Romy can have some privacy in the forest room for a while. Harry agrees to spend some time with Seamus not causing trouble. (Chapter Ninety Eight)
  • Clay and Romy sleep together for the first time.
  • (31st) Romy takes the contraceptive potion.
  • Ron gives Cedric a letter from Robin, saying harry's been brainwashed. Ron then gives Cedric a "confidence" potion that is actually a love potion. He tries to kiss harry but harry resists but not before Ron gets a photo of the two of them looking intimate.
  • During his shift at work Micha is given another large tip.
  • Rosie discovers the fact that Robin has been hurting herself.


  • (1st) (Saturday) Harry and Clay put laxative in Ron's food. Clay pretends to tell Hermione that he loves her and then makes a fool of her in front of the entire Great Hall.
  • Quinn is becoming attached to Robin. He tries to talk to her but she is a little hostile.
  • (2nd) Dean admits to Aiden and Jaylon that he would die for them. (Chapter Ninety Nine)
  • Quinn tries to get close to Robin again but Robin slaps him. Callie and Jenson advice that if he cares for her not to give up.
  • Lukas comes to Remus for advice about Nell. He tells Remus that he has asked her to marry him and she's carrying his child.
  • (3rd) Quinn sits with Robin for breakfast, determined to win her over. He explains that he has made his intentions clear and she has the choice to accept or reject him now. She accepts Quinn but only because she can get him to do things for her.
  • Callie goes to St Mungos. Callie is malnourished and dehydrated. She needs more potions to keep her going, being pregnant is making her very ill.
  • Cedric apologises for what happened but Harry is fed up of Cedric and punches him in the jaw.
  • Ron and Hermione join forces, wanting Harry and the other werewolves to suffer. Ron shows her the picture of Harry and Cedric together.
  • Draco asks Tracey out on a date via a piece of parchment before running off.
  • (5th) Lukas makes his excuses to Nell as to why he'll be away for the weekend full moon. Nell moves into Lukas' home.
  • Micha confides in Damon that he feels like there is something missing between them. They put it down to their desire for children or the possibility that their mateship isn't yet complete.
  • Tracey accepts the date with Draco.
  • (6th) (Thursday) Harry, Clay, Seamus and Draco set four pigs lose in the castle number 1,2,3 and 5. (Chapter One Hundred)
  • Robin receives the picture of Harry and Cedric from Ron.
  • Dean talks to Seamus, telling him about the photograph that Ron has sent.
  • Robin shows the photograph to Fenrir, who reacts very badly, backhanding Robin across the face. He forces Robin to submit. Fenrir takes the photo.
  • (7th) Cedric tries to apologise again, this time with flowers. Harry leaves Quidditch practice early and goes home to the pack a night early.
  • Daphne kisses Draco.
  • Harry and Fenrir discuss the photo. Fenrir knows that Harry has not been unfaithful because of their mating marks.
  • Damon see's Micha's admirer and Jenna tells him about him. Damon decides to keep an eye on the mystery man.
  • Harry see's Dean in the clearing and isn't sure how he feels about him being there. He also sits and talks to Rosie, Aspen and Quinn who are new to him.
  • (8th) Romy, Clay, Seamus and Remus come to the territory. Seamus for the first time.
  • Harry strengthens the wards.
  • Robin decides that one way or another she is going to kill Harry.
  • Seamus picks up on the relationship between Fenrir and Jenson. (That Fenrir was bitten by Jenson's father)
  • Romy murders Dean by slitting his throat.
  • (9th) The pack discover the bloody body of Dean. Romy owns up to the crime. Harry manages to spare her life, coming up with a punishment for her with Fenrir instead.
  • Romy is forced to dig Dean's grave. This is the start of the pack graveyard.
  • Clay is furious at Harry, he can't see that Harry saved Romy, only that he has separated them.
  • Jaylon feels guilty for not feeling more sorrow at the fact that Dean is dead. He decides he still wants to accept Aiden as his mate even without Dean.
  • Lukas tells harry that Nell is pregnant.
  • Robin meets Russ for the first time. She is an easy target for him. he flatters her and he is able to sweet talk her easily. He promises her the world with no intention of delivering.
  • Aiden talks to Jaylon who admits that he would have been fine mated to Dean but only because he wanted Aiden so much. Jaylon accepts Aiden as his mate.
  • Romy is sent away to the shrieking shack for the full moon.
  • (10th) Niko and Rosie ended up cuddled after the full moon, the two of them drawn to one another. Jenson goes to fetch Romy. (Chapter One Hundred and One)
  • Harry, Clayton, Quinn, Aspen, Rosie and Seamus prepare to go back to Hogwarts without Romy.
  • Quinn, Aspen and Rosie go to the headmaster's office to be sorted. Rosie into Slytherin, Quinn into Gryffindor and Aspen into Ravenclaw.
  • Romy offers to help Aiden to save his cousin Jilly as penance for what she has done. Aiden agrees.
  • Quinn overhears Dumbledore talking to Moody in the forbidden forest about Harry. It is this conversation that makes Quinn realise just how much harry needs protecting.
  • Harry, Aspen, Rosie and Clay fill the staff room with foam.
  • Aiden and Jaylon decide to try sharing a bed but nothing more intimate.
  • Lukas presents Nell with an engagement ring.
  • (11th) (Chapter One Hundred and Two)
  • For the prank in the staff room harry is given a detention with Umbridge. Quinn makes the link that it was Amycus that raped Robin.
  • Bella and Narcissa decide to go to St Mungo's and have Bella checked over at the weekend.
  • Aspen writes to Fenrir, telling him of the pranks that the other pups are pulling.
  • Romy asks for permission to send a letter to Draco asking about Jilly. Fenrir agrees.
  • (12th) Clay starts coming to terms with why Harry made the decision he did.
  • Robin goes to see Russ again.
  • (13th) Callie feels the baby kick for the first time.
  • Aspen reacts badly to the blood quill and removes Harry from the detention with Umbridge.
  • Cedric tries again and Harry once again turns him down.
  • Jaylon asks Romy to tell him what Dean did to her and she does. Jaylon forgives her.
  • (14th) (Friday) Draco receives a letter from Romy about Jilly.
  • Robin meets with Russ again. (Chapter One Hundred and Three)
  • (15th) Ron and Hermione have made an aconite shower gel so that the werewolves can't touch anyone who uses it without getting burnt. Ron goads Clay into a fight and Clay and Seamus end up hurt.
  • Harry starts to wonder what other damage might have been done to him since he drank aconite in a potion growing up.
  • Rosie asks the house-elves for fire whiskey but is refused. She is struggling with not having alcohol.
  • (16th) Lukas tells Fenrir about Nell, but not about the baby.
  • Narcissa and Bellatrix go to St Mungos and it's confirmed that Bellatrix is pregnant with Voldemort's baby (6 weeks).
  • Jaylon admits that he doesn't know any magic and that's why he hasn't used his wand yet.
  • Narciss retrieves Hufflepuffs cup from the Lestrange vault.
  • (17th) Lukas applies for the right to adopt Seamus, Rosie, Aspen and Quinn into the pack.
  • (18th) Harry demands the headmaster stop Ron and Hermione's shower gel plan. (Chapter One Hundred and Four)
  • Fenrir satisfies himself in the woods and Robin attempts to inseminate herself with his sperm when Fenrir isn't looking.
  • Cedric is now dating Roger Davies.
  • Narcissa writes to Draco, confirming that she has the Hufflepuff cup.
  • Callie is now 18 weeks pregnant.
  • Voldemort confirms that he has control of Diagon Alley, the Ministry and he has agents in Hogwarts. He confirms he has werewolves watching the Greyback pack. He conforms that he wants Harry to join his ranks. Bellatrix tells Voldemort that she is pregnant with a boy (something she can't be sure of).
  • (19th) Robin spills the beans of her plan involving having Fenrir's baby to Jaylon and Niko.
  • Draco recieves the letter from his mother about the cup. He writes back asking about the werewolf, Jilly.
  • (20th) Narcissa reads the letter from Draco and is concerned about why he is asking after a werewolf.
  • Draco tells Harry that his mother has the cup.
  • Niko tells Fenrir about what Robin has planned and how she is trying to have his baby.
  • Narcissa goes to the dungeons and finds Jilly there. She lingers only long enough to confirm that it is her.
  • (21st) Aiden and Jaylon ask Fenrir to lift the punishment on Romy.
  • Lukas and Nell discuss plans for her to come to the pack territory on Sunday.
  • Micha is asked for his phone number by his stalker (Jason). Micha declines.
  • Damon threatens Jason to stay away from Micha, punching him.
  • (22nd) Hogsmead weekend (Saturday).
  • Russ asks Robin to find out what wards were used so that they can bring them down.
  • Harry tells Harry about Robin's plan to impregnant herself. (Chapter One Hundred and Five)
  • Romy is allowed back to school.
  • (23rd) Draco isn't sure that it's right with Tracey.
  • Lukas brings Nell into the pack and announces that they are getting married and that Nell is thirteen weeks pregnant.
  • Draco tells Harry and the others that it's Jilly in the dungeons at Malfoy Manor.
  • Voldemort trying to find the Stanwood pack and failing. He sends deatheaters to France to start recruiting.
  • Rosie opens up about her dependency on alcohol, her instincts are starting to come back to her.
  • Robin is tested for pregnancy, she is not pregnant.
  • Jaylon decides that he would like to go to Hogwarts after the next full moon. It is agreed with Aiden, Tessie and Fenrir.
  • Fenrir offers protection to Lukas' unborn child. He agrees Nell can visit the territory but only until the baby is born.
  • (24th) Brax starts to crawl. Narcissa writes to Draco to tell him about Bella's baby.
  • Tracey goes to Draco at night and the two of them have sex.
  • (25th) It is implied that Draco and Tracey slept together. Draco rather regrets this.
  • Draco tells Harry and the others that Bellatrix is pregnant with Voldemort's baby.
  • Russ and Robin have sex for the first time.
  • (27th) Gideon mates to fourteen year old Livvy Jones (Chapter One Hundred and Six)
  • Harry connection to the pack strengthens and he visits home to talk to Fenrir about Jilly. He tells Fenrir, Aiden and Tessie that they have found Jilly and that she's in Malfoy Manor.
  • Jaylon talks to Remus about going to Hogwarts, they all agree its a good idea.
  • Lucius recieves a letter from Chloe. She suggests a meeting with him to discuss Clay. Chloe has received a letter from the Ministry asking her to give up her parental rights to Clay.
  • Romy and Rosie overhear Cedric and Roger arguing. Cedric has photographs of Harry and he masturbates to them.
  • Robin's behaviour has improved and Fenrir rewards her by giving her a hair brush.
  • Romy tells Clay about the photos and Clay says he will talk to Cedric and get them.
  • Remus claims Tessie as his mate and she accepts, together they take on Jaylon as their adopted son.
  • (28th - Friday) Clay threatens Cedric and Cedric agrees to hand the photos over.
  • Tracey tries to establish a relationship with Draco that Draco doesn't want. Tracey wants to talk to their parents about a marriage contract.
  • Jenson steps up Niko's training.
  • Jason talks to Micha again but Damon quickly interrupts and Jason backs off.
  • (29th) - Clay gets the pictures from Cedric. Cedric states to Clay that he will stand beside them in the fight against Voldemort.
  • Clay and Romy burn the pictures of harry that Cedric had.
  • Tracey makes her presence known again and Draco loses his cool with her, completely rejecting her. She swears that he will regret it.
  • Lucius is nervous about his meeting with Chloe the following day.
  • Narcissa starts preparing to leave the Manor.
  • Lukas and Nell decide on getting married in the clearing.
  • Harry travels back to the territory with Remus. (Chapter One Hundred and Seven)
  • Remus and Tessie disappear off into the woods and Remus claims Tessie.
  • Harry returns to Hogwarts for lunch.
  • Lucius meets with Chloe. He doesn't get the answers that he wants.
  • (30th) Tracey has spread the rumor that she's pregnant with Draco's baby. Harry and Clay warn him before he can enter the great hall.
  • Draco tells Harry that his mother is planning on sending the cup through the cabinet that evening.
  • When they get to the room of requirement to get the cup they also find the diadem.
  • Draco (while Harry and the other werewolves watch) destroy both horcruxes in Dumbledore's office.


  • (1st) The pack starts to rebuild after the long winter.
  • Draco deals with Tracey, making it clear that he'll never except responsibility for her baby.
  • Romy starts to wonder if she might be pregnant.
  • Remus and Tessie talk about their pasts and one day having children. (Chapter One Hundred and Eight)
  • Rosie accompanies Romy to the hospital wing to check to see if Romy is pregnant. She isn't and Poppy reveals that it is almost impossible for Romy to get pregnant at all due to the damage done in the attack against her when she was bitten.
  • Harry negotiates with Dumbledore so that Narccisa and Brax have somewhere safe to go when they flee Malfoy Manor.
  • Draco swears allegiance to the Order of the Phoenix
  • Russ and Robin talk about their plan to attack while the Greyback pack are sleeping.
  • (2nd) Romy travels home to be with her parents.
  • (3rd - Wednesday) Jenson and Fenrir talk about the possibility of Robin talking to one of the strays.
  • Lucius has beaten Narcissa unconscious. The house elves have healed her.
  • Daphne talks to Tracey about the baby and Tracey shares that she isn't finished with Draco yet. She is determined to be the next Mrs. Malfoy.
  • (5th - Friday) Micha's stalker (Jason) is at the bar again but he just drinks and then leaves at the end of the night. (Chapter One Hundred and Nine)
  • Harry and the others return from Hogwarts for the full moon. Romy continues to avoid Clay
  • (6th-Saturday) Jaylon, Aspen, Aiden, Remus and Tessie go to Diagon Alley to buy school supplies for Jaylon.
  • Clay tries to make amends but Romy isn't ready.
  • Harry transforms into his animagus and flies up to talk to Romy on the platforms. She tells him she can't have children.
  • Harry realises the contraception potion was overbrewed and doesn't work as well as it should.
  • Robin works on getting information from Quinn about the wards.
  • Harry tells Fenrir that there is only one horcrux left (Basilisk) and then Voldemort himself.
  • Full Moon
  • (7th - Sunday) Fenrir notices the blood quill scars on Harry.
  • Harry tells Micha about the contraception potion.
  • Quinn claims Robin as his mate.
  • Harry talks to Fenrir about Niko going to Hogwarts. Fenrir agrees.
  • Fenrir, Harry, Aiden, Tessie, Lukas, Jenson, Damon and Remus discuss rescuing Jilly. (Aiden, Clay, Fenrir and Jenson are to go and rescue her.) They decide to go the following Sunday.
  • (8th - Monday) The pups and Remus return to Hogwarts, including Jaylon (Chapter One Hundred and ten)
  • Robin battles with her conscience.
  • Dumbledore is waiting for the werewolves in Remus' office. He doesn't want any more pranks but Fenrir is dismissive, not caring how much trouble Clay and harry cause. Jaylon sorted into Hufflepuff
  • Damon and Micha tell Fenrir a stray wolf has come into the territory again and it mingles with Robin's scent.
  • Harry checks on the lucky potion, it's brewing well. Harry also starts brewing more contraception potion.
  • Harry tells Draco of the plan to rescue Jilly.
  • Romy tells Clay she can't have children. Romy assumes Clay will end things and walks away.
  • Clay talks things through with Draco and Harry.
  • Romy talks things through with Luna in the Ravenclaw common room.
  • Luna hints at her relationship with Theo.
  • Jaylon is allowed into the forest room.
  • Romy asks Clay to take a couple days to think things over before committing to anything.
  • (9th - Tuesday) The Slytherin vs Hufflepuff Quidditch match.
  • Fenrir, Jenson and Damon discuss the plan to rescue Jilly.
  • Remus and Jaylon have a bonding moment.
  • Harry is seriously injured in the Quidditch match. Fenrir is summoned to the school. (Chapter One Hundred and Eleven)
  • (10th) Cedric visits Harry in the hospital wing in the early hours of the morning.
  • Harry talks to Romy about Clay, trying to convince her to accept his decision.
  • Quinn takes Robin clothes.
  • (11th) Romy accepts Clay's decision to stay with her.
  • Harry and the others are summoned to see Dumbledore.
  • Dumbledore makes it clear that they have to do well in their exams to return next year.
  • (12th - Friday) Narcissa tells Bellatrix she is having a girl and is forced to flee Malfoy Manor with Brax and go to Hogwarts.
  • Harry and Draco are summoned to the hospital wing to see Narcissa. Narcissa faints and they discover that she has been hit with a curse and is slowly dying. (Chapter One Hundred and Twelve)
  • Lukas and Nell set the date for their wedding. (24th June)
  • Cedric comes to talk to Harry when he's alone in the Quidditch locker room.
  • Draco asks Daphne on a date.
  • Jason attacks Micha but Micha punches him and someone intervenes. The police arrive and take statements.
  • (13th - Saturday) Callie agrees to go and see the healer at St Mungos.
  • Callie's body is struggling with the strain of pregnancy (she is 21 weeks and 5 days) the healer tells her to rest as much as possible and limit her use of magic.
  • Harry starts to plan a prank/party for Clay''s birthday. (Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen)
  • Harry and Clay visit Narcissa with Draco. She gives them information for the raid on Malfoy Manor the next day.
  • Harry travels home to talk to Fenrir about what Narcissa has told them.
  • Jaylon talks to Aiden about not going back to Hogwarts until September and the two of them confirm their mateship. Aiden claiming Jaylon.
  • (14th - Sunday) Harry and Fenrir's bond through their mating marks gets stronger allowing each of them to sense the others emotions.
  • Jenson, Fenrir, Clay and Aiden prepare to infiltrate Malfoy Manor.
  • (15th) At 2am Jenson, Fenrir, Clay and Aiden break into Malfoy Manor to rescue Jilly. (Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen)
  • Romy wants to learn more about werewolf history, culture and lure. She thinks it will make a good project over the summer.
  • Aiden is injured in the rescue attempt.
  • Clay drags Madame Pomfrey back to the territory to heal Aiden.
  • Jenson praises Clay for what he did during the rescue. He is extremely impressed.
  • Remus and Clay head back to Hogwarts, taking Madame Pomfrey with them.
  • Exams start today - Charms.
  • Lucius is blamed and punished for the escaped prisoners.
  • Dumbledore makes arrangements for Sirius to be placed in the hospital wing at Hogwarts.
  • Poppy tells Remus that there isn't much that can be done to heal Sirius mind.
  • Harry returns to the clearing to check in with Fenrir and meet the new pack members.
  • Harry, Quinn and Remus return to the castle that night.
  • (16th) Jaylon breaks down, struggling being at the school and away from Aiden. (Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen)
  • Persephone has started her training with Jenson.
  • Robin sneaks off to see Russ again, sure she has made up her mind that it is him she wants and not Quinn.
  • (17th - Wednesday) Herbology exam. The Weasley twins set of fireworks.
  • Harry, Draco, Rosie and Seamus plan for Clay's upcoming birthday.
  • Niko eaves drop on a conversation between Quinn and Robin about the fact she thinks she might be pregnant and doesn't want to take the contraception potion.
  • Harry tries to convince Jaylon to stay at the castle for a couple more days to give Aiden the chance to heal.
  • (18th - Thursday) - Jaylon makes his way back to the territory despite everyone trying to convince him to stay until the weekend with the help of Remus.
  • Defence Against the Dark Arts exam
  • Narcissa gets a check up at the hospital wing, she see's Severus and talks to him.
  • Harry uses legillimency on Quinn and discovers that he is worried that Robin might be pregnant.
  • Harry shares with Clay about what he saw in Quinns head.
  • (19th - Friday) Harry and Draco make the final arrangements for Clay's surprise party (Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen)
  • Harry is given the title of Quidditch captain for the following school year.
  • Aspen, Quinn and Harry talk about changing the perception of werewolves after the wizarding war is over.
  • Damon is attacked by Jason. When Lukas takes Micha home, Damon kills Jason.
  • During the clean up of the kill, Damon is interrupted and he has to leave without finishing the job.
  • Damon and Micha get rid of the rings that Micha bought with Jason's money.
  • Robin meets with Russ and tells him that she thinks she's pregnant. Russ reacts violently, hitting her. He then pretends to be sorry so that she will forgive him.
  • Jenson finds Robin and can smell the stray wolf on her. She breaks down and cry's, claiming that she was attacked.
  • Fenrir shares why he gives Robin so many chances.
  • (20th - Saturday) - Draco and the others studying, Draco and Daphne have some intimate time in the library.
  • Seamus notices Jilly and can't take his eyes from her. Harry notices him watching her.
  • Quinn gives Robin until the full moon to confirm her pregnancy.
  • Narcissa tells Draco she has written to Lord Hurron regarding her divorce from Lucius and her will. Draco agrees to become the guardian of Brax so that Lucius never regains custody.
  • Seamus and Sephy agree to help each other get better at fighting.
  • Jilly and her thoughts on Seamus. She is taken with him, though she keeps those thoughts to herself.


  • (11th) the 90 day deadline expires and Clay and Romy can officially be adopted into the pack.
  • (24th) Nell and Lukas' wedding


  • (14th) The deadline expires and Seamus, Rosie, Aspen and Quinn can be adopted into the pack.
  • (24th) The Liquid Luck should be ready.


  • If Callie hasn't gone into labour by the end of August then Labour needs to be induced.


  • Keyla Nott commences her first year at Durmstrang
  • Kardal Nott and Lydia Nott mate.


  • (10th)Jared has enough of waiting and forces Lyla to have sex with him with the aim of having a pup of their own.



  • (18th) Lyla realises that she is pregnant with Jared's child. She is devastated as she never wanted to have another child.




  • Grayson Nott commences his first year at Durmstrang


  • (14th) Artimus is injured in a hunting accident during the full moon. One leg never fully recovers.
  • Lyla realises that she is pregnant again with another unwanted child.
  • (15th) Phoebe Stanwood born



  • (23rd) Jared kills Lyla and their unborn child. Tristan has no choice but to kill Jared.
  • (24th) Lily talks to Tristan about what Jared did to her.


  • (13th) Soren Nott is born


  • (9th) Bobby Stanwood born
  • Bethany and Glen mate


  • Laverna and Danyon mate



  • (17th) Cole Stanwood born


  • Kardal challenges his father, Artimus for the position of Alpha in the Nott pack. Kardal wins due to his fathers injury. Artimus concedes the loss and is allowed to live and remain in the Nott pack.


  • Carson Nott commences his first year at Durmstrang


  • Artimus and Carmela disappear over night. They are never heard from again. They are presumed to be dead.



  • Leroy Nott is born

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